Chapter 6

That next week fell into a simple repetitive pattern.

I would wake up and make breakfast. After everyone ate I would teleport back into the lab and work until dinner. Who needs lunch anyways?!

Every now and then one of the kids would bump into me or ask to help, mostly Sebastian. He usually just hung out in the lab and helped me whenever I needed assistance. In return, I would sometimes give him fighting tips like how to keep your balance or do a proper punch. He seemed to learn pretty quickly too.

Every other night Teddy would come in with a new nightmare on mind. Good thing they were all just about zombies chasing him. Well not good for him, but goodish for me. I often ended up having to carry Teddy back to bed when he claimed to be 'too tired.' More like him just playing dead if you ask me.

I didn't see Madelyn much. After I showed her the library I had left out of the tour she spent most of her time there, leaving Teddy to be dealt with by either me, or Fred.

In the morning when I was still waking up I would pull out the Bible and scan the pages for the name Saul or Paul again. I eventually found the names, near the end of the book! Would have been great to know that before reading all those war stories in the book of David. I actually kind of liked those stories though. I probably might have implemented some of the king's battle strategies into my own plans a while back had I known about it.

By the end of the week, the time machine version two was done. Evie handed me a brand new time core shard one random evening and talked with the kids a little before leaving to play on another server. She told me it took her days of on and off searching through over fifty worlds with the same seed. The compass only worked if the player spawned within 1,000 blocks of the core. So I can imagine that being frustrating.

Anyway, it was complete. Finally!! I had decided once I was done to run it the next day. After a long night's rest. Unlike the other days, Sebastian hadn't been there to visit. I decided to just not tell him it was done. He would be forgetting all about me anyway... They all would.


I had just fallen asleep not too long ago in my new clean pajamas. They being all clean made them fluffy for some reason. And I liked it. Wait, did, did Fred buy me new pajamas?! Without my approval?!. I guess I would never know. Anyways, I was suddenly woken by a painful ouch in my chest!

My glowing eyes flashed open in shocking surprise and pain and met with, Sebastian's?! He looked full of rage, but it quickly faded when he saw my face full of pain. Lodged in my chest, was my old diamond sword. The one I had tossed to him just a little more than a week ago. D- did, Sebastian, just, STAB ME?! I didn't believe it at first but the blood running out of me, even out my mouth, told me something was wrong for sure. And the look in Sebastian's eyes.. He looked clouded. Shocked by his own actions, yet, glad. I looked desperately into his eyes. His hands were not on the sword that was still in my chest but a bit of my blood had somehow gotten on them. He staggered back and just kept looking at me, waiting for me to die I guess.

Seeing that he wasn't going to help me. I took in a painful breath and began trying to talk, the words barley leaving my shakey lips. My whole body was shaking in pain and stress.

"T- th- the, time, machine.. is-done.." I breathed painfully. Every word hurt so I had to choose them wisely. Sebastian leaned in with a question in his mind.

"Is that really what we were working on? A time machine?" He asked me. His voice sounded normal, not insane or anything like I would expect from someone who had just stabbed me. I just nodded my head to answer. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of what to say next.. "What were you going to use it for? Try to conquer everything in the past?!" Sebastian suddenly demanded an answer.

"Made it, to.. stop.. myself, from.. killing, anyone.... Was, going, to kill.. my, past self... But now, you, must, do it.. please?" I managed to say. The pain shook through me again and made everything ten times worse. It became hard to focus on anything. My vision was filled with dots and my eyes dimmed to a dangerously low glow. But I had to keep myself awake. I had to tell Sebastian how to go back in time and kill my past self. Sebastian fell back a little as if he felt like fainting after hearing my words. He must have not expected my answer.

"Then Why?! Why would you go back in time just to kill yourself!?!" Sebastian demanded louder, taking the liberty to shake me harshly, which hurt me even more. I couldn't answer as much as I wanted to. I had to tell him HOW to go back and save everyone. I shook my head slowly to let him know I wouldn't be answering, then began listing the things he needed to do instead.

"First, find.. map with, white dots.... follow.. find power, reserve.. use power, for. machine.."

"That isn't an answer! Just answer me!!" Sebastian ordered with desperation in his eyes. I held twice as much in my dim eyes and shook my head once more.

"Second.. pull lever, use power... should last.. two, seconds.... set time to, March 5, 1991... find me, at age.. 14, and.. kill me." I had to whisper the last bit because my lungs could no longer hold air. I was holding my breath at that point. Sebastian reacted, not like how I expected. His eyes teared up and he began crying.

"I- I- I, am so sorry." He cried, hugging me as if hoping the hug would magically make me better. I just coughed up some blood so I could speak, one, last, time..

"..I waned to die anyway... I am, sorry.." Then, everything began going dark. I saw Sebastian's vague outline begin to shake me, but I didn't feel a thing.. My reign of tyranny was over...


Mua-hahaha! Evil cliffhanger! >:}