Liza: Letting Go

Liza: 18 years

Olivia: 20 years

Location: London

Joan...I miss her like crazy....

I fell in love with her at thirteen and now I'm eighteen. Six long years have passed and Joan still remain a constant.

I thought maybe giving into Olivia would help me out but it didn't. No matter what I did, my love for Joan still remained ablaze.

I still keep in touch with her. I text her everyday but it hurts everytime she mentions about her love life and how happy they are together. Although I supported her relationships on the surface, deep down in my heart, I'm selfishly waiting for them to break up.

I want her to be mine and mine only....

Today is Jessica's birthday. She was finally turning eighteen. Myself and Olivia were headed for the party.

Jessica had the toughest time accepting my relationship with Olivia but at the same time she didn't let my lifestyle keep her from loving me.

"I hope Jess don't beat the shit out of me today. I mean she never contacted me ever since that day we revealed to her that we started dating. " Olivia giggles.

" I'm sorry. I'm the one who caused all this."

"Hey babe, don't say that. Jess was your friend. She was never mine. The only reason why she even started talking to me back at school was for your sake. She never liked me. I don't think she ever will. So loosing Jess never hurt me." Olivia says with a gentle smile.


" Also you shouldn't blame her or yourself. Jess was just being a protective friend. My reputation when it comes to dating back at school wasn't the best. She must have thought, I was just playing with your feelings too".

"Should I tell her about Joan? When she learns the truth, she will accept your friendship once again"

"You can if you want to but don't do it for my sake. I'm really not that adamant about Jessica's friendship. She was always a pain in the ass" Jessica chuckles.

"Hey!! She my friend."

" I know. I know. I'm quite jealous of your friendship. By the way, how do I look?"

"You look gorgeous Via."

"Of course I do. I'mma fucking queen." She smirks.

"Yes you are" I giggle.

After I revealed that , Olivia and I were dating, Jessica broke off her friendship with Olivia. Although Via did look like she didn't care about it, I knew that she did and deep down it hurt her. Via treasured both of us as friends and I was the reason for Jessica's change in attitude towards Via. I wanted them to be friends again, like before, so I decided to tell Jessica the truth after the party. Via deserved Jessica's friendship.Via too deserved happiness.

The party venue was filled with Jessica's friends and relatives. I was feeling a little nervous as I was not much of a people person. Via noticed this and held my hands slightly stroking them , her way of assuring me that everything's was going to be alright.

It was a small party containing a few close friends and family members. After cutting the cake and exchanging gifts, it was Aaron, Jessica's cousin, who proposed to play the game of truth and dare. We head upstairs to Jessica's room for privacy.

I wanted to be left alone but Jessica forced me to join the game. The group consisted of some of Jessica's close friends, cousins and myself and Olivia.

"Okay next up is Olivia. Truth or dare?" asks Aaron with a smirk.

"Dare" tells Olivia with a raised eye brow.

Since the game commenced, Olivia and Aaron had entered into competition mode.

"I dare you to kiss Mathew" Aaron smirks.

"Challenge accepted."

"No one's kissing anyone today", yells Jess angrily.

"That is if you can. Matt doesn't surrender that easily." Aaron smirks yet again.

"Why are you guys yelling my name? I can hear it from downstairs."

A tall handsome man with dark brown hair , chiseled jawline, broad shoulders and hazel eyes entered the room. His face looked familiar. I've met him before but I couldn't make out where it was.

"You? What are you doing here?" asks Via surprised in a soft tone , almost blushing.

"What a surprise!!? We meet again." says the mystery guy with a playful smile.

"Matt you know her?" asks Jessica confused.

I examined his face carefully and it finally dawned upon me.

I glance at Via.

Her cheeks turn champagne pink and her eyes glitter like as if fireflies had nested on them.

I guess my Via has finally found the one.

Her love....