Brother? (Leo)

Her brother?

I can't help but feel relieved. Julia wasn't going to leave me for another man she preferred. It was something else that made her act that way.

It's damn obvious by the way. They're similar to each other, with those dark, curly hair and brown eyes. Now that I look at it, their lips' line is the same, and their forehead... Raphael's jaw is more masculine while Julia's face is more round, but for the rest...

It would be the perfect, acceptable explanation. If only there weren't so many points still amiss.

Why isn't anything easy with my girl around?

«Your brother is a vampire,» I point out.

«Yes, he is,» she sighs. Then, she bows her head and hides her face.

She's thinking about a plan to run from here. Or to let him escape, at least. She won't tell me the truth, will she?

Her fingers are trembling, and her eyes are still teary from before.