Breakdown (Julia)

I can sense Leo's muscles stiffen. I'm leaning on him, so I can feel every his move.

And he's ready to jump on the chief.

Why is he so angry?

«Leo?» I call him. «What's the matter?»

I clench his t-shirt and hug him tighter, trying to avoid bloodshed. Where does all this hatred come from?

«Leo?» I repeat, this time louder.

He seems to wake up and looks at me. He caresses my neck with his thumb, and I sigh, relieved.

Whatever that was, it's over.

«How are you feeling?» I inquire.

«I'm good, now,» he says. «Let's go rest.»

Sure, better than staying here. I wanted to ask the chief a couple of questions, but I can wait.

«Don't kill him yet,» I remind my big brother. «He knows many things we want to find out. It's easier if he tells us, right?»

«Right...» he moans, displeased.

«Let's go,» Leo murmurs, pulling me out by the hand.