Chapter 5 "D-did I just got kick out?"

I slowly approach the duchess and close the door behind me i then sat right across the duchess.She was still drinking tea the duchess put down her tea on the table and look at me it was quite awkward the duchess then spoke

"If you don't want to become a mage then I will have tell the duke I'm sure you don't want that."

I look at the duchess with a poker face and said

"Sure I'll become a mage is that all?" After that the duchess flinch

'I guess she was surprise that I did not threw a tantrum..' the duchess was going to say something but I interrupted her and continue to speak "BUT I want something in exchanged..."

the duchess close her eyes for a minute and ask me "What do you want?" I look at the duchess who was now calm as a sea

"I want you to give me 20 gold every month,what do you say duchess?" the duchess sighed she started drinking tea again and ask "Why do you need gold for? are you planning to buy a dress or accessories? if you want I can buy them for you?" I started to grin and spoke with a confident voice

"I cannot tell you but I will tell you something duchess I don't plan on using the gold just for my amusement." the duchess started to laugh wickedly and said "not for you're amusement huh? my daughter has matured quite a bit"

"If we're done here may I go now?" I ask and the duchess started to speak to me warmly

"ofcourse come meet me in the office tomorrow after your studies,you can come at my office anytime!" I flinch as I was surprise to see this warm side of the duchess

'wow! the duchess has a warm side? isn't this new?' I got from my seat and walk toward the door I heard the duchess say something

"Please call me mother if you keep calling me duchess it will make me look old!" I grab the handle of the door and said

"I will call you duchess in public but I will call you mother when we're alone." my mother noded with a satisfied smile "I will be going now mother..." I opened the door and close the door behind me.I sigh and lean at the door

'finally I now have a allowance and it's 20 gold every month damn I'm gonna be rich and I'll use that money to buy a house with a big attic where I can laze around and do nothing but read books in my free time,ofcourse I will still find the bastard who reincarnated me in this world.I will stay away from the female lead and act like a narcissist but I will not get in female leads way perfect plan!'

While I was day dreaming "you." I snapped out of my thought and lool at the boy it was Cade when I saw him I just walk past him he grabbed my arm and I turned around to see him with a complicated gaze towards me."What?" I shrugged his hand off my arm and waited for his response he slowly open his mouth and ask

"What were you guy's discussing about?" I blink my eyes and sighed I answered honestly and

said "Nothing important." He look at me with an angry face and walked away to the opposite direction as I watch him walk away I was confuse 'why was he looking at me with an angry face? did I do something wrong?'

As I stand there thinking on what the hell happend someone tapped my shoulder it was Marie she then spoke "My lady it's time for your lesson." "ah! what are we waiting for let's go" I walk to the hallway with Marie by my side and went to my lesson's.


"Is the duke still in the office?" the two guards bowed at the duchess at the same time and one of the guards said "I'm afraid the duke is still in the office duchess Amelia."

"You may rise." after that command the two guards lift there heada and the duchess ordered the two guards to open the door.The two guards flinch and shakingly said "T-the duke does ordered us to not let any visitors in." Amelia frowned and look at the two guards who were shaking uncontrollably Amelia spoke "But I am not a visitor so it's fine and if he scolded you two I'll just tell the duke that I ordered you guys to let me in."

The two guards looked at eachother and said "I'm sorry duchess Amelia but it is the duke's order,please come back next time duchess Amelia..." Amelia then frowned she was going to scold them until the door suddenly opend it was the head butler who opened the door the butler was atleast 45 years old the butler look at the duchess and he look at the two guards the butler sigh and said to the two guards "you two let duchess Amelia in it is an order from the duke."

The two guards flinch at the cold stare at the butler and the guards opened the door.Duchess Amelia went in and the butler bowed towards the duchess "The duke is waiting for you duchess Amelia." Amelia smirk and said lead me to him.


As I got there I finally get to see one of the novel's beloved character my tutor Miss Farah Grace.I walkes towards the table and sat down Miss Farah was already holding a book about history she smiled at me and said "Shall we begin our lesson for this lovely afternoon my lady?" I noded and she we started our lesson of history.

15 minutes later I was not listening at her 'I was recalling the novel Miss Farah she was the one who taught the female lead all kinds of different things like history,mathematics,english and more did I forgot to mention after her Aunt died the one who took care of the female lead was Miss Farah she is basically a mother figure to the female lead.'

While I was thinking I heard Miss Farah calling my name "My lady?" Miss farah was looking at me with angry eyes.I gulped and said "I was listening...." Miss farah look at me with suspicious eyes she smirk and ask me a question "Okay then who was victorious at the war the rebelion soldiers or the Vagraerene Empire? I look at Miss Farah and said "um I the Vagraerene Empire?" Miss Farah noded and ask another question "How did the Vagraerene Empire became victorious?" I widened my eyes and began to sweat I slowly opened my mouth and surrendered "I don't know..." Miss Farah Smirk and said "It's fine my lady you better listen next time or I will tell the duke!"

I noded and Miss Farah continued her lesson after class she handed me 5 books to read and said "That's your punishment my lady for not listening,oh! and if you don't get a perfect score in the test you will be taking more lesson's and you cannot go outside IF you fail but if you pass then I'll let you slide you have 3 days to read all if these books." I was freaking out! I told her "You can't do that! that's against the rule! besides I can't read all of these books in just 3 days!" Miss Farah smirk and said "My lady said a week ago that you can read 5 books in just 3 days,you also said that you're a genius don't worry my lady you'll be fine." she smirk and said "b-b-but I-" she then interrupted and said "oh my look at the time! it seems like that I have to go now my lady,good luck!" I was then kick out from the study room and I thought to myself 'd-did I just got kicked out?'