WebNovelNo Future27.59%


Sitting with my legs crossed facing her, I felt like a 5-year-old about to get scolded by his mother. I tried to lighten their moods by giving a smile to the girl but the frown in her face grew darker. So I looked down at my hands, hiding the pang of annoyance I was suddenly feeling. Jaden stood behind me with his arms folded tightly over his chest. The silence was killing me so I spoke up, sheepishly,

"Hi." I said to the girl, "Didn't know you were the one calling me. I mean if you want-"

"Shut up." she said, calmly but strong enough to make my mouth to close.

Jaden smacked me on the back of my head, snickering.

I scowled up at him, "What's so funny?"

He shook his head, enjoying himself.

"Where's the book, Harry?" The girl spoke with a hiss.

I turned my eyes back at her, slightly tilting my head. She knew my name. But then again, a girl with an access to this room, it wasn't surprising. "Is this seriously what this all's about? A stupid book?"

She rolled her eyes at me, balling her fists, as if controlling her anger, "Where is it?" Her tone was urgent.

I shrugged, "In my room, I guess."

Another smack on my head, but this one was harder, "What do you mean you guess? Aren't you sure?"

"I am!" i yelled, my voice echoing in the empty auditorium. "What's the big deal?"

Jaden opened his mouth to give a smart aleck reply but a glance from the girl made him to shut up even before he started to speak.

"Something tells me this is more then just a book, right?" I rose my eyebrows in skepticism, "What are you two up to exactly?"

"None of you ding-dang business!' Jaden snapped at me.

"Jaden." The girl looked at him, shaking head. "He's stubborn. He won't give it to us unless we tell him."

"You do realize I'm right here right?" I muttered, pouting but she ignored me.

I thought I heard Jaden gasp, a small one, "But cuz-" He tried to object but she rose her hand.

"So you two are cousins?" Not surprised.

She snarled, "Does it matter?"

"Not really."


That's when she shifted her legs, closing foward before looking hesitantly at Jaden and then the room. What was happening? What had they done exactly? The way they were looking around confirmed that something was up. Only, Murder was the thing popping in my mind, refusing to leave my thoughts.

"Listen," she said, softly, but quickly, "The book. I don't give a shit about it but you need to give it to me. We need it just for a day. even an hour could work."

I laughed, it just spilled out, "Are you that desperate? What bunch of..." I was about to say losers but they both wore dead serious looks on their faces. My voice had trailed off.

"Why do you need a book you don't want to read?" I inquired, "Don't tell me you're into origami. If that's the deal then you ain't getting it."

She let out a cry of frustration, the same one she had let out back in the library.

"That's it." She snapped, "I've had enough of your attitude. Give. Me. The. Book."

I crossed my arms, "Sorry. If you don't tell me why you need it, then I'm not giving it to you."

An embarrassing yelp escaped my mouth as Jaden pulled my hair. "We're not obliged to tell you that, now are we?"

I took a breath, Speaking through grounded teeth, "In that case, I'm not obliged to tell you where the book is, either."

The girl scoffed as Jaden let go. I stared at her, intently when she said, "So you really want to know?"


"Then first tell me-" She began.

"I'm not telling where the book is until you-" I stopped when she roughly yanked at my shirt.

"What-?" I wanted to scream but she released me, hissing,

"Next time, don't interrupt me."

"Fine." i murmured, my face red, defeated, trying hard to ignore Jaden who was laughing ugly.

"Tell me," She continued, as if nothing had happened, "Did you find... a small folder in that book of yours?"

Now that i think about it, did I even read that book?

"No." So i said.

"What do you mean no?" She demanded, taken aback. Her eyes had lost the anger, replaced with... fear? I could feel Jaden trembling behind me. They obviously expected me to say yes.

"Calm down." I said, even though they were just quiet, with shock or terror, I couldn't tell. it could be both. "I meant that I didn't read it."

They both let out a sigh of relief. Jaden thanking god for something I had no idea about.

I grinned, "Really knocked the hell out of you two, huh?"

"Shut up." Both of them said at the same time. I snickered.

"What folder though?" I rose my eyebrows.

"Take us to your room." The girl said, stalling.

I frowned, "That's what I wanted to tell you."

"What now?" Jaden groaned.

"My room," I felt the stare she was giving me. "It's... someone broke in. and I don't think it was Jaden anymore."

Jaden growled, 'Why would I break into your stupid room?"

I shrugged. The girl, her eyes grew as if she understood something we both didn't.

"Tell me dude," Jaden yelled, "Why would I sneak into your hell-hole?"

"I don't know!" I retorted, "Maybe because you're a big old bully and a perv!"


"A perv?" Jaden countered, "How does that even relate to anything?"

"Jaden!" the girl yelled. We both looked at her. She looked worried.

Biting her lower lip she said, "You don't think...?"

now, only i was left who didn't understood this muted talk.

"Oh... shit." He breathed, "There goes our escape plan, huh, cuz?"

"Woah, woah, woah! what do you mean escape plan?"

"What's the point to ask now?" Jaden sighed, not a good sign. " There's no escape plan now, man."

I stared at the girl, hoping for an answer.

"We may still have hope." She said more to herself then to us, "Where's your room Harry?"

"I won't tell that until you tell me your name. Don't want a stranger in my room."

"Nickie. Nickie Gray." she said, rolling her eyes, "Now lets go!"