WebNovelNo Future89.66%


I am there again. In the dark, surrounded with those weird people with plastic suits and masks. They're staring down at me but I held on to a hand of a person I couldn't see. And I feel so small in front these people. So scared. Then one of the people started approaching me. The others followed. I screamed as the hands rushed at me, my grasp slipping from the person who I thought I could be safe with. They drag me away from him and a scream and scream. So dizzy and confused. They take me inside that dark, dark room with that keypad thing. I'm crying and shaking my head at them, like that was making sense. And then the door opens, a man standing with light behind him. Those plastic-suited men let go of me when he started walking towards me. He looked young but familiar. A man about 19 or 20, with golden hair and an angry look. He looked down at me and then turning to the people, he yelled at them muffled words. They went away, disappeared just like that. He looked at me again, this time smiling with his dark green eyes. And I took his hand. He was the one who's hand I was holding before. This blonde young man. Then, another man shows, slightly taller then the blonde, but he looked as old as he did. The blonde took out his gun and I screamed as he pointed it at the brown-headed man, who looked shocked. The man placed his finger on the trigger and-

I woke up, gasping, coughing, my eyes bloodshot. My body was aching and i was shivering all over, even though it wasn't cold. Whatever gas Bryce had been talking about, he was right. I kept on feeling worse and worse. I coughed some more, my breaths heavy and painful. My face was damp with tears. Had i been crying? It doesn't make an sense. I leaned against a wall, soaking in the darkness.

My dream. It ended different. It didn't end when the door opened. I saw someone. Someone familiar. And i knew who it was. Who the other brown-headed man. I realized I kept on seeing memories not dreams. I kept on remembering that dream. My body felt hot as i rubbed my hands on my arms. The blonde. I knew who he was. I recognized him. Lyod. That was Lyod. I knew him when i was young. I knew him before he saved us from MEFY. And the other man, he was Bryce. He had that sneer. But what were they doing? Bryce is alive isn't he? What happened that night? Why was i there with them? Did Lyod save me?

I had so many questions. But no answers. I wanted Lyod here. I wanted him to tell me the truth. I'm hungry. I'm exhausted. I'm sick. And I think I'm dying in this room. In this darkness.

When will they come? When will I get my answers?

Lyod's P.O.V

Nickie stared at me angrily, "And now you want to save him? After all you've done?"

I've told them everything. That i wasn't really Dr. Skale's friend. I just happened to know him for only a little while. Enough to learn about Harry.I told them that I was Bryce's twin. That we had planned this all together. Him and I, controlling the infected. Getting them to do what we wanted. Once Skale made the cure, we kidnapped Harry, a five-year-old, back then. We were about to get to the vault with our peple, when I saw that look in Harry's face. So small, alone, scared. And I realized what kind of a cruel guy I was. So, I refused to hand Harry to Bryce. I shot him on the arm and ran with him in my arms. I took him safely to Skale. Who had his own family. A wife. I heard a few years later they had a child. Robert Skale Jr. I quit helping my brother, and worked in the police department with a hidden identity. When i heard Harry had been sent to MEFY, I started searching for his father. But i was too late. He and his family were dead. Killed. I started writing letters to Harry. But i never got an answer. Bryce also found out about Harry through one of his partners, Alexandra Lynn. They were coming to get him the night when I took him. I saved him. If only I didn't fall asleep in the park. He would have been with me. Not Bryce.

I sighed, "I'm telling you, I regretted it. I want him to be safe, alright? Me and Bryce parted ways a long time ago. I never met him after I shot him."

Jaden frowned, "Why do you want him now?"

"Because while my brother was planning to get him back, i built a place, safe for him. It's complete. A safe house where Bryce will never find us."

Nickie scoffed, "And why will I ever trust you?"

"You don't have an option," I grimaced, "Or will you two prefer a life with Martin incharge?"

"I'm with you." Jaden announced quickly, "I'd prefer you over Martin anytime."

I smiled, Nickie's mouth opened in shock.

Jaden shrugged, "I mean, we've been with him for a long time now. You still don't trust him? And besides, where will we go? The world's a wreck and don't you want to find Harry?"

She looked down at her feet, "I do."

I smiled, "Then come on, we're getting him, today."

"Just don't act smart with me." She gritted her teeth.

"She doesn't mean that." Jaden rolled his eyes at her. "She's just a bit cautious."

"She's a wild one, i tell ya!" Martin shouted from behind us, "My people couldn't handle your girl. Did i mention she bit them? You better be sure about this cure, Lyod, or she'll regret it."

"Don't worry," I replied, looking back at him and the guns he was holding, "Are your people ready?"

"Ready then ever," He grinned, throwing a gun at me, "It's time you get ready too. This gonna be the time I've been waiting for."

"What's that?" Jaden grabbed a gun, looking at it with both confusion and admiration.

"Time I tell Saige that no one rules me." He smirked, holding his gun high, firing it away.

"You found him already?" I asked, my eyes wide with surprise.

"I've got eyes everywhere, my friend," He gave a flashy smile, "And besides The Empire Building is the most obvious place to hide."

I nodded, checking out my gun. "What's the plan?"

"The plan is that we attack." I stared dumbstruck when he said that, "Alright people!" Martin yelled, his gun high in the air, "Let's go have some fun!"