Chapter 6

[Next day]

I went to Partys Bar. Walking inside, I saw a little kid gulping down all the food he got in front of him.

Makino smiled at me.

"Welcome, Ken."

The little boy looked at me and then immediately went back to eating.

I sat down at the bar counter next to the kid.

"Give me the usual."

"Coming right up."

I looked at the kid one more time, confirming my suspicion.

'Monkey D. Luffy. The one who would one day turn the world upside down and become the Pirate King. It's too bad for him that I had to be transmigrated here.'

"Here you go."

Makino served me my food and drink.

When I was about to dig in, I could feel someone staring at me. Looking to my right, I saw Luffy with saliva hanging out of his mouth when looking at my food. I looked at his empty plates.

"Ey, Makino, give this guy some meat."

His eyes brightened up instantly.

"Sure, coming right up."


I smiled at him.

I started eating my food when someone grabbed my shoulder. I ignored it and kept eating my food.

"How dare you ignore me, you brat!?"

"Because I'm hungry, old man."

He sat down next to Luffy.

"This brat is my grandson, Luffy."

"Sup, brat. I'm Ken."

"Ken is nice!"

I pat his head.

"Am I nicer than your grandpa?"

"Yes! He always hits me and makes me cry!"

I glared at Garp.

"Looking to die, old man?"

Makino also glared at him.

"I'll lend you a hand, Ken."

He started panicking a little bit.

"It's for training."

"The Marine Hero Garp beats up a little kid. I can sell this news for quite a lot of money."

He got scared stiff, but then he suddenly calmed down.

"Hehehe, there is no reason for me to be scared."


He grabbed my head and picked me up.

"Luffy, wait here for me."


I suddenly felt like the whole world was upside down and moving at the speed of light. We suddenly appeared in a forest. He let me go, and I immediately threw up.

"Damn you, old man!"

I glared at him

"Were you trying to kill me!?"

He smirked at me.

"If you can't even handle this little speed, you will never be able to beat me."

I took out my dagger and glared at him.

I didn't say anything and immediately attacked him. He easily dodged my attacks.

"You've become better."

He grabbed my dagger.

"But you're still not good enough."


He hit me on my head, making me fall down, and a big bulge came out of my head.

"Damn you! I was joking earlier! There was no need for you to go this far!"

He smiled at me.

"What are you talking about? I'm just training you."

I held out my hand.

"At least help me stand."

He took my hand and helped me up.


I stabbed him in his gut with a spare knife I had on me. I immediately jumped back.

'Huh!? What is this ominous aura that I'm sensing.'

I looked at Garp, and it was at this moment that I knew I fucked up.


I started running away.


He appeared behind me and grabbed my legs. He took me into the woods like a wild beast about to devour its prey. I tried my best to grab onto anything to stop him from pulling me, but he was too strong.


[Next Day]


I woke up screaming.

"Are you okay, Ken?" asked Ace

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He pointed at my face.

"You are sweating a lot, and you woke up screaming. Did the old man scare you that much?"

I touched my face, and I was indeed sweating a lot.

'He is way too scary! I don't think it was a good idea to ask him to train me into a Marine. What if he ends up killing me on accident!?'

Dadan came and sat next to me. She started wiping my face with a towel.

"That idiot really did a number on you. What did you do to make him so angry?" asked Dadan.

I looked at my body, and I was covered in bandages, and I suddenly started feeling all the pain.

"Hahahaha." I started laughing

"What is so funny, brat?"

I smirked.

"I stabbed a Vice Admiral and made it out alive."


Everyone was shocked.

"So that is why there was blood on his shirt. I thought that that blood was yours." said Ace

"You sure are something, brat. Who would have thought that Garp could get stabbed by a little brat." said Dadan

I smirked.

"I know I know, I am amazing."


She hit me on my head.

"Ouch, what was that for!?"

"I thought you were so amazing."

I pouted and looked the other way.

"Hahahahaha!" everyone started laughing

I laid back down.

"I'm going back to sleep."

[1 month later]

Ace and I went to Gray Terminal to find something to steal when someone bumped into me and fell on the ground. Suddenly five people appeared behind him.

"There you are, brat. Did you really think that you would be able to escape from us after stealing our money?" said a big ugly guy

The ugly guy looked at us.

"If you guys hold him back, we'll give you a reward."

I looked at the ugly guy and then at the kid on the ground.

'So this is kid Sabo.'

Ace looked at me.

"What should we do?"

Sabo stood up and grabbed his pipe.

"Don't think that I'll be beaten that easily!"

I grabbed my pistol and aimed it at Sabo's head.

He was scared stiff.

"Wow, boss look. He has a gun." said the ugly guys subordinate

'Guns in the Grey Terminal are rare. I managed to get one with luck from here.'

"Ey kid, if you give me that gun, I'll let you join my group."

I ignored him and looked at Sabo.

"What is your name."

He looked a little surprised that I would be asking for his name.


'I didn't expect him to say his real name anyway.'

"How much money did you steal from them?"

"10.000 berries."

"Stop lying, you brat! You stole 200.000 berries!"

"It's your fault for letting it get stolen!"

I put my finger on the trigger.

"So you lied to me."

He started to panic.

"How about I give you 100.000 berries, and you let me go?"

I looked at Ace.

"Is he being serious."


I looked at the ugly guy.

'Hm, that necklace looks expensive.'

I pointed my gun at the ugly guy.

"Give me your necklace."

He immediately got angry.

"A brat like you is trying to rob me!? I'm going to kill you!"


He fell down dead with a hole in his chest.

'I still don't feel anything when I kill someone.'

Ace and I got in a couple of sticky situations where I had to kill people to get out of it. I, for some reason, couldn't care less about killing someone. Maybe killing my parents took away a part of my humanity.

"BOSS!" x4





I looked at Sabo, who was scared stiff.

"You must be pretty good if you managed to steal from them without getting injured. If you didn't bump into us, you would have escaped."

I put my gun back and held out my hand.

"How about you join my crew?"

He looked surprised. But he suddenly got a dangerous look in his eyes.


He was about to hit me with his pipe when Ace stepped in and blocked it with his dagger.

Sabo glared at me.

"Did my father send you?"

I smiled at him.

"Calm down. I don't know who you are or who your father is. I just want to recruit you since you look strong."

He still looked suspicious of us.

"Can you prove that you're telling the truth?"

"I can't. You'll just have to trust me, I guess."

"No, thanks. How can I trust anyone in the Grey Terminal?"

I smiled at him.

"We aren't from the Grey Terminal. We are just two orphans who want to become pirates and be free."

He looked surprised.

"Why are you two out here then?"

I smiled at him.

"To get money for our adventure."

"I guess you two are just like me then."

"Hm, didn't you say that you have a father?"

He had a sad look.

"My parents are nobles, and since the day I was born, they never treated me as their son. Only as the heir of the family, but I didn't want to be bound by them, so I came here to seek out freedom. Huh!?"

He quickly put his hands on his mouth.

"Well, it's already too late for that. So you're a noble that escaped from home and let me guess your father put out a reward for anyone that can bring you back."

He looked at me cautiously.

"What are you going to do now?"

I smiled at him and extended my hand.

"If you join my crew, I'll give you a place to stay, and I promise that your parents will never find you."

He seemed to be hesitant.

"Just accept already. Even Though he killed those guys, he is always kind to the people he cares about." said Ace

Sabo looked at both of us before finally grabbing my hand.

"Fine, I'll join your crew."

I smiled at him.

"Now, can you tell us your real name?"

"Tsk, you knew. My name is Sabo."

"It's nice to meet you, Sabo. My name is Ken, and this is Ace."

"Yo." said Ace

He smiled at us.

"It's nice to meet you two."