Chapter 34


I swung Yubashiri in front of me, and a huge slash made out of fire moved towards Crocodile at an incredibly fast speed.

It went right through his sand, and it didn't lose any momentum.


Before he could even react, the slash cut him in half, and his body caught on fire.

'Well, that is a roasted Crocodile, but I doubt anyone would want to eat that.'

[Ken P.O.V.]

'Poor Crocodile, he will be missed.'

I looked at the rest. Bon Kurei and Mr. 3 got killed by Laffitte. Robert won, but he couldn't finish the job, so Laffitte had to do it. Robin managed to pin Miss Goldenweek down and stop her from doing anything. Zala and Mikita took care of Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas.

'They were assassins, after all, so I doubt that they would hesitate about killing.'

Deuce and Sabo are still fighting with their opponents.

I jumped off the throne and started walking towards the battlefield.

"Deuce, Sabo, take care of them now."

"But I still am not done with training." said Deuce


I unsheathed my sword.





I cut Mr. 1 and Mr. 5 down before they realized what happened.

"Why did you do that!" screamed Deuce

"We don't have time."


I disappeared and appeared in front of him. I kicked towards his head.


He dodged my kick.

"Hahaha, you aren't so amazing anymore."


This time I appeared behind him. I tried to punch him on his head.


He dodged again.

"Hahaha, I'm too awesome for you!"

"Tsk, whatever."

I took out my Den Den Mushi.

"Yo, king. Come to xxx; we took care of everyone. You need to hurry before his corpse is turned into ashes."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, and don't forget the money."

I hang up and put the Den Den Mushi away.

[30 minutes later]

The king and all his loyal Royal Guards arrived.

"Wow, you guys sure went hard on them."

"Where is the money?"

Five of his guards stepped forward with a suitcase each. They opened them up, and I could see a lot of 10.000 berry notes.

"Laffite, do you mind counting them?"

"No problem, sir."

He took the suitcases and started counting.

"Don't you trust me?"

"Why should I?"

"I guess you're right."

A couple of minutes later, Laffitte was done counting the money.

"It's exactly 500 million berries.'


I held out my hand to the king, and he shook it.

"I'll be expecting the rest very soon, and don't worry; you're country will be in good hands."

He looked skeptical.

"We'll be in your care then."

"Then I'll leave the rest to you. Don't hurt the kid. She is a kid, after all."

"Do you really think I'm like that!?"

"Who knows."

Before he could say anything, I turned around and looked at my crew.

"I'll see you guys at the ship in 1 hour."

"But the ship is 5 hours away." said Zala

"1 hour."

I disappeared.

Instead of going towards the ship, I went somewhere else. After 2 minutes of running, I stopped in the middle of the dessert.

I kneeled down and grabbed a handle that was hidden underneath the sand. It opened a door, and after I opened it and went down a couple of stairs, I arrived in a room filled with crates.

I opened the first crate and searched through it.


I searched through the second.


I searched through the third.


I grabbed it out of the crate and looked at it. There is no doubt about it; this is definitely it.


'I can't believe that I actually managed to pull it off.'

"Hahahahaha, I'm amazing! Mwahaha, mwahaha, mwaha-"





'Whose idea was it to laugh like an evil idiot.'

[1 hour later

I'm sitting on the ship with Robert and Laffite when I saw the rest running towards the ship.

'It seems like Sabo, Ace, and Deuce are holding a race. Hm? Why do the girls have ducks? Tsk, the king, is probably a simp.'

The guys jumped on the ship and fell face-first on the floor.

"First!" x3

They looked up.

"Huh!?" x3

"How the hell are you two here so fast!?" asked Deuce

"I'm just fast." said Laffitte

"Secret." said Robert

Robert can use his Devil Fruit to teleport a certain distance.

'He is such a cheat.'

"Hey Ken, can you help me up?" asked Zala

"You can do it on your own."

"Hahaha, it seems like your charm isn't working." said Mikita

"I also won't help you up, nor Robin. Stop being pathetic and get on already, or we'll leave you."

"Don't leave without me!" screamed Mikita

She used her Devil fruit to float up and land on the ship. Robin used her Devil Fruit to create a staircase with her legs.

"I really can't get on."

Deuce suddenly jumped off the ship and landed next to Zala. He picked her up in bridal style and jumped back on the ship, where he put her back down.

"Now we can go." said Deuce

I poked his side with my elbow.

"Ey, if you wanted her that badly you should just have told me. I could have organized a date for you two."

He and Zala blushed.

"W… what the hell are you talking about! I was just helping her."

"Just know that I'll be your wingman if you need it. Hahaha."

"Shut up. Get yourself a girlfriend before you start being a wingman."

"A girlfriend, huh. What does your mom look like?"

He glared at me.

"You bastard."

"I mean, if she is good looking, I don't mind getting you a couple of siblings."


He started attacking me.

"I thought you didn't care about her."

"I don't care about her, but you're still making fun of me."

"I see. But will you show me a picture of your mom or not?"


He appeared in front of me and tried to kick me. I jumped back and smirked at him.

"Let me show you what I'll do to your mom."


I appeared behind him.

"Konohagakure's Most Secret and Sacred Technique: One Thousand Years of Death!"


Everyone looked at me with shocked eyes.


He flew into the sky while holding his ass.

"Eh Ken, was that really necessary?" asked Sabo

I smiled at him.

"Do you want me to show you the other version?"

He immediately stepped back.

"Nah, I'm good."


Deuce crashed back onto the ship, and he fell unconscious.

"Alright, now that everyone is on board, let's continue our journey."

I threw an Eternal Log Pose to Laffitte.

"Take us to Jaya!"


Random Facts:

Luffy, Ace, and Garp suffer from a neurological disorder called "Narcolepsy" that causes daytime sleepiness, that's why they just fall asleep.

Crocodile anatomy is based on the famous actor Steven Seagal and John Travolta, and Robin's anatomy is based on the character "Mia Wallace" played by Uma Thurman on the film Pulp Fiction.