Chapter 42


We were flying through the clouds when we made it through and flew into the air. The wings broke off, and we started to fall down.


We fell on the clouds and started floating on them.

"Look! We are floating on the clouds!" screamed Ace

We all looked down at the Sea Clouds.

"I knew that I was fated to one day make it here!" said Van Augur

"It's so beautiful!" said Mikita


A weird-looking guy suddenly appeared above our ship and aimed a bazooka at us.

He fired his bazooka, and the rocket went straight for Robert.

Robert held his palm in front of him, and shadows started coming out from his palm.

"Shadow Exchange."

The rocket went into his shadows and disappeared.

A shadow portal suddenly appeared behind the guy, and the rocket came flying out of it.


He got hit on his back, and he started falling down.


Another guy appeared and caught him.

He glared at us and disappeared.

"What was their problem?" asked Deuce

"Who knows. But what I do know is that Robert has become a lot stronger."

"I still have a long way to go, Captain."

"It's good to not let the power go to your head."

"It's pretty hard to breathe here." said Robin

"That's because of the thin air here, but you should be able to adapt to it pretty quickly." said Deuce


An old guy in armor riding a purple bird horse hybrid suddenly appeared.

'It looks like he bought a Pegasus from Aliexpress.'

He looked at us, confused.

"Where did those two people go?"

"They ran home to their mommy." said Sabo

He had a surprised look on his face.

"You guys must be strong to defeat them when you just came here. The air here is really thin, so it's hard for newcomers to fight."

"Who are you, and what is that ugly creature?" asked Deuce

They both glared at him.

"Hahaha, sorry for this guy. He didn't mean to be disrespectful. Could you please forgive him?"

"Since you've asked so nicely, I'll forgive him, but the next time I won't be as forgiving."

"Who do you thi-"

Laffitte quickly put his hand on Deuce's mouth.

"You've got quite the troublesome fellow on your crew."

"Hahaha, he is a nice guy, but he just has a big mouth. Do you mind telling us the way to the nearest civilization?"

"Just go North-West. I will be taking my leave now."

"Alright, it was nice meeting you, and thanks for showing us the way."

He nodded and flew away on his "Pegasus". When he was far enough away, Laffitte let go of Deuce.

"What was that for, Laffitte!"

"Captain must have apologized to him for a reason. You could have gotten us in a big problem."

"Oh, I see."

"I just didn't want to offend someone who we didn't know. We don't know anything about the Sky Islands. He could be a king or something. I just want to keep a friendly relationship until we know the situation about this place."

"That makes sense. Sorry about that."

"It's fine. But damn, that thing was ugly as hell."

"Hahaha, yeah, I almost couldn't keep in my laugh when I saw it!" said Ace

"Hahaha, and what about that color! It looked hilarious." said Sabo

"You guys, don't say that. It looked cute." said Robin

Everyone stopped talking and look at her.

"Hey, Deuce. You might have to look at her eyes or something." said Robert

"Yeah, I might have to if she finds that thing cute."

"Alright guys, stop bullying the bird and Robin. Let's start going to the Sky Islands."

Laffitte started telling everyone what to do, and we started heading towards the Sky Islands.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at a huge gate that looked like a star, and that had Heaven's Gate written on top of it.

We started going through it when we saw a short old lady on the side with a camera in her hand.

"My name is Amazon. I'm the gatekeeper. You will have to pay Extol per person."

"What! That's extortion!" screamed Ace

"If you want to pass, I won't stop you."

"Is she okay in the head?" asked Deuce

"What should we do, Captain?" asked Laffitte

"Amazon, do you know how much that is in berries?"

"10.000 Extol is 1 berry."

"I see, thank you."

"So it's like that. It makes more sense now." said Laffitte

"Robert, give her that bag that Van Augur gave me."

A shadow portal appeared next to her, and the bag with the 1.000.000 berries from Van Augur appeared out of it. She grabbed it and started counting it.

After she counted it, she dropped ten tickets in the portal.

"You're a smart guy. Normally people just go in when they hear the amount, but if they do that, they become a criminal and have to pay ten times as much."

"You're a smart woman yourself. Not telling them how much it is in berries and just letting them go inside so that they have to pay ten times as much."

She smiled.

"You guys are free to go in. Goodbye."

"See ya."

We officially entered Skypiea.

"You just saved us a lot of trouble." said Sabo

"Well, I do tend to think with my brain, unlike most of you guys."

"You're a funny guy." said Ace

"Excuse me, Ken. Can I ask you something?" asked Van Augur

"What is it?"

"Did you already know the price?"

"No, why are you asking?"

"Then why did you ask 1 million from me to let me come with you?"

"I just tought that that was the most I could get from you. How do you expect me to know about the prices here? I didn't even know if it existed."

"Then it must have been fate."

"Yes, that must be it."

After 10 minutes of sailing, we saw an island.

"It's a Sky Island!" screamed Mikita

"It really exists!" screamed Ace

"Fate was kind to us today." said Van Augur

"To think islands floating on clouds could actually exist." said Sabo

We stopped and before we got stuck in the sand, Deuce dropped the anchor.

"Robert, bring us to land."

He nodded, and the floor under us turned into shadows.

We went into the shadows and appeared on the beach.

"We've made it to the Sky Islands!" I screamed

"Yeah!" x9


[Thank you, everyone, for the 1 million views & 3 thousand Collections!]

I ran out of fun facts, so here are some quotes.

One Piece Quotes:

Only those who have suffered long can see the light within the shadows.

– Roronoa Zoro

When you decided to go to the sea, it was your own decision. Whatever happens to you on the sea, it depends on what you've done! Don't blame others!

– Roronoa Zoro


― Portgas D. Ace