Chapter 66

"Ey, Robert. Store away that big guy's body."

"Why? What do you have with collecting bodies today?"

"Stop asking questions."


Oars' body got enveloped in shadows and disappeared.

"Now, Laffitte, Robert, find all the treasures on this island."

"Don't we already have enough?" asked Robert

"We're pirates. Taking treasures is in our job description."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."



He and Laffitte disappeared.

'Poor Robert, I'm really overworking him. But who cares. If it weren't for me, he would still be some petty thief.'

"Alright, let's get ready to leave."

"Wait!" screamed Mikita

"What is it?"

She pointed at Perona.

"What about her?"

"We can't just leave her behind." said Zala

"She won't be able to survive here alone." said Robin

"Well, that's her own fault. She trusted the wrong person."

I started walking away.

"Wait!" screamed Zala


I turned around.

"If you don't help her, the three of us will stay here." said Zala

The other two nodded, and Perona looked surprised and happy.

"I see."

I turned around.

"Have fun with your new life then.

I walked away.

They froze.

"Damn, you showed them no mercy at all." said Deuce

"It's their fault for expecting me to just do what they say like that."

"But now we will be a sausage party again." said Ace

"At least you can trust the people at a sausage party."

"Hahaha, that's true."

Suddenly a lot of arms sprouted from my body and bound me to the ground.

I sensed something above me. I looked at the sky and saw Mikita.

"10,000 Kilo Press!"


She came falling down at an alarming speed.

'This bitch!'



She landed on my stomach.


Zala appeared next to me, turned her finger into a spike, and put it on my neck.

"Sigh. What are you idiots doing?"

"Since you don't want to listen to us, we'll force you." said Mikita as she was still sitting on my stomach.

"Shouldn't we help the Captain?" asked Van Augur

"Hahaha, Ken isn't the one you have to worry about. Let's go before we also get involved." said Ace

"The rest of my crew left this area and went to the ship."

"Are you idiots going to stop, or do I have to beat the shit out of you first."

"Kyahahaha, you wouldn't be able to move with me sitting on you." said Mikita

"How about you sit on my face instead?"


She blushed and immediately got off of me.

I smirked.

'Too easy.'

I encased my neck in Haki so that Zala couldn't hurt me and forced myself out of Robin's hands.

I stood up and glared at the girls.

"Euhm, Ken, is there a way that you can forgive us?" asked Mikita

"Of course there is."

They looked relieved.

"By giving me your lives!"

"KYAA!" x3




I punched the three of them in the face with Haki, immediately knocking them out.

I looked at Perona, who is scared shitless.

I walked up to her, and she is frozen in place. I sat down next to her.

"So, what's your name."

"M… mm… my…"

She was so scared that she couldn't talk.

"You don't need to worry. I won't hurt you."

She calmed down a little.

"My name is Perona." she said in a quiet voice

"Nice to meet you, Perona. My name is Ken."

I stood up.

"It's better for you to stay here. If you come with us, you'll immediately get a bounty and get hunted down by the marines. So we can't just drop you off somewhere, or you'll be captured immediately."

She stood up.

"I'm not scared of the marines, and if I stay here, that bastard Moria might come back. I don't want to ever see that bastards face again."

"You suddenly got really talkative."

She pouted.

"I was just a little shocked."

I patted her head.

"Aww, you're such a cute and adorable girl."


She slapped my hand away and pouted.

"I'm older than you, so show me some respect."

"Hahaha, you're a funny girl."

"Enough of that. Can I come with you, yes or no?"


"What why!?"

"I just met you. I don't know if you'll betray me at the first chance you get."

"I wouldn't do that!"

"That's what a snake would say."

(An: I definitely wasn't thinking about KSI.)

I grabbed the three girls.




I threw them to the ship.

'I hope that I didn't miss, or they're screwed.'

I looked at Perone, who looked shocked.

"Well, goodbye."

I started walking away. Perona fell onto her knees and started crying again.

"Why is this damn world so unfair! I'm always the one that gets punished for doing nothing wrong! Everyone that I thought cared about me always leaves me! Even the one I saw as a father figure betrayed me!"

'This bitch! Is she trying to guilt-trip me!? I should just keep on walking.'

"I hate this stupid world! I hate it!"

I stopped.

'Don't let her f*cking guilt-trip you, Ken!'

She looked up to the sky.

"Maybe I should just leave this world and join you, big sis." she whispered to herself


My heart suddenly started hurting.

'Damn her! Why did she have to have a sister!? I hate the weakness that I have to people like me!'

(An: Remember, guys. He is just a broken guy from another world. He isn't anything impressive. He only knows things about the future and has determination. Nobody is perfect, after all.)

I walked to her and kneeled down.

"Was that last bit real, or were you just trying to guilt-trip me?"

"Last part?"

"About your sister."

"You heard that!?"

I could easily tell that she wasn't faking her reaction.

I stood up.

"If you still want to join us, go and pack your stuff. We will be leaving soon."

She had a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you so much! I'll go right away."

She started flying towards the mansion.

"Tsk. I'm still too weak."

I grabbed Rob Lucci's hat that I still have on.

"You must be the culprit."

I threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

'Aahh, this is much better. My head can properly breathe now. I should go to the ship and check on the girls. I might have been too harsh on them.

I started walking back to the ship for real now.


[Anyone who is angry at Ken for treating the girls like that is a simp. I don't care what argument you have. You're a simp.]

Anime Quotes:

It's best to go up against strong guys, if you want to get stronger.

- Shōyō Hinata (Haikyu!!)

"Never trust anyone too much... Remember the devil was once an angel..."

- Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)

Everyone Makes Mistakes. But people's feelings can manifest through the most subtle of expressions.

- Nona (Death Parade)

(This is an awesome anime that you should definitely check out.)