Chapter 70

1 hour later.

We got a call from Ace that they were done with the grave, and we all went there to pay respect.

After that, we went back to the ship, and I sat everyone in front of me.

I took out the newspaper I bought in the morning and sat down.

"Alright, let's see how the world thinks about us."

I read the front page.

[The Azure Pirates killed a Vice-Admiral and destroyed Enies Lobby!]

I smiled.

'Morgans can get shit done, alright.'

"Did our crew name change?" asked Robert

"I asked someone if he could change our titles a little. A demon isn't what we represent after all."

"I like this one much better." said Ace

"Alright, let's see what we're all looking forward to."

[Kashii from no bounty to 75 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

[Oimo from no bounty to 75 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"Wow, we are almost at 100 million like you two!" said Oimo

[Dorry the Blue Ogre from 100 million to 200 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

[Brogy the Red Ogre from 100 million to 200 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"What! We were so close!" said Kashii

"Gegyagyagyagya! Better luck next time!"

'I wonder if I could ever visit Elbaf with these guys. If I could befriend them, I could flex on Big Mom.'

"Alright, next."

I took out two bounty posters from the stack and threw them into the ocean.

[Urouge from no bounty to 50 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

[Paulie from no bounty to 25 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

[Van Augur from no bounty to 25 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"Don't think too much about it. You guys are new and haven't done much, so they couldn't give you a higher bounty. But when we reach the new world, you guys will show them what you're made of."

They smiled.

"Yes, Captain!" x2

"We are fated to become greater." said Van Augur

"We sure are. Alright, next."

[Nico Robin from 101 million to 111 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"You've been slacking, Robin."

"I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. Just show me what you've got in the New World."

She looked at me with determination.

"I will make sure to make it up to you a thousand times in the New World."

I smiled.

"That's good. Just don't push yourself."

She nodded.

"Alright, Deuce."

He looked at me with anticipation.

"I can't find your bounty."

"What!? You must be kidding me! Are you sure!?"

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Sit down, you idiot."

"Tsk, I should have expected that."

[Masked Deuce from 100 million to 150 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]


"What's your problem? It's a whole 50 million."

"But Ace is still higher, and Sabo's bounty will also definitely increase a lot."

I smiled.

"Why are you only worried about those two? Did you already forget about Dorry and Brogy?"

He looked at them, and then it dawned on him.

"I'm going to be in sixth place!?"

"Ey Deuce, why do you care so much about your bounty?"

"Because I don't want to lose to them."

"That's stupid thinking. These bounties are given out by the government, and do you really think they know everything about you? You could be argued as the most important guy here. After all, if we didn't have an amazing doctor like you, I would already have been dead."

"So, you're saying that I'm more important than the rest?"

"As a Captain, I would say yes, but as Ken, I would say that my brothers are more important."

"Thank you, Captain!"

"No problem Doc. Alright, let's keep going. Wait, what the hell is this!?"

"What's going on?" asked Ace

I placed Robert's bounty poster on the ground.

Everyone was shocked, even Robert.

[Kage Robert from 50 million to 250 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"Is that really me!?"

"Hahaha! I think you really scared them after you dropped a whole island ontop of them."

He scratched the back of his head.

"Well, what do I say." said Robert

"You better watch out, or you'll suddenly get swept away by some government guy."

"Hahaha, they wouldn't dare touch him." said Sabo

'I really didn't expect this. This guy has the potential to become Katakuri level in the future.'

"Alright, next."

[Demon Sheriff Laffitte from 69 million to 169 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"You've been mostly in the shadow; otherwise, this would have been ten times higher. Oh yeah, what happened with that plan?"

He smiled.

"I'll show you."

He took out a projector Den Den Mushi and put it against a wall. We suddenly saw a bedroom made with a lot of gold and an ugly fat man sleeping in his golden bed. I looked at what was right next to him.

Rob Lucci's head.



Someone knocked on the door, and he opened his eyes.



He fell out of bed, and we could see his underwear filled with hearths.

The recording stopped.


We all started laughing.

"Damn, this went better than I thought it would. Have you erased all the evidence?"

He nodded.

I made sure of it.

I smiled.

"This made my day ten times better. Alright, let's finish this quickly."

[Sabo from 130 million to 220 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"Finally! That stupid title is gone, and there is also dead behind my name."

"It's weird how you're happy with having dead behind your name, but whatever. I'm expecting a lot of booze from you."

"Don't worry, I'll give you all the booze in the world."

I nodded.


[Inferno Fist Ace from 180 million to 270 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

"I'm getting closer, Ken."


"What's so funny?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're getting close to me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

He swiped the last bounty from my hands.

He had a shocked and defeated look on his face. He let the bounty fall on the ground.

[Azure Ken from 400 million to 600 million berry bounty Dead or Alive]

Everyone was shocked.

(An: Brook's old bounty is 33 million, and Perona didn't have a bounty. Since the Government doesn't know about them, they didn't get a new bounty. The total bounty of the crew went from 1.320.000.000 to 2.453.000.000 berry. There are a total of 16 crew members.)

"You're a cheat!" said Deuce

"Hahaha, I'm just good."

"You sure are, Captain. But may I know our next destination so I can prepare for it?" asked Laffitte

"We're going to get our ship coated in Sabaody, and then we'll visit Fish-Man island and go from there to the New World."

"Should I go and prepare everything in Sabaody?"

"Nah, I'm sending you off too much. Stay here and have some normal people fun."

"Normal people fun?"

"The fun where you don't torture people."

"Hehehe, but torturing people is always the most fun."


He smiled.


I smirked.

"How about you help me have some 'you' fun then by being my guinea pig."

He immediately backed off.

"I was just kidding. It isn't fun at all."

I started walking towards him.

"But I want to see for myself if it's fun or not."

"Please trust me, Captain."


We both disappeared.


[Don't mind this bounty chapter.]

(For the people that are worried that I will follow the same Islands as the straw hats, don't worry. The Azure Pirates will be visiting a lot of different islands. They will go to the same islands as the Strawhats one day, but not immediately.

I will also make the Azure Pirates Grand Fleet in the New World.)

Anime Quotes:

"As the living it is our responsibility to carry out the wishes of the ones who are gone."

– Akame (Akame Ga Kill

"Don't live your life making up excuses. The one making your choices is yourself."

– Mugen (Samurai Champloo)

"It is always sad to part with those whom you love, but your companions will help you bear that sadness."

– Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)