Chapter 78

His smile disappeared, and he looked at me like I was an idiot.

"You mortals are so quick to get mad over small things. I was just baiting you to get mad and fight like an idiot, but I just can't get myself to fight such a weakling. So I'll make this quick."

'Mortals? And how dare this guy trick me like that!'


He suddenly appeared in front of me.

'Too fast!'

"You're the last piece to my plan. Thank you for coming here today."

He grabbed my face.

"When my will is much stronger than my opponent, I can send them into an eternal nightmare. One that they will never wake up from. So have fun in the hell you wanted to send me to!"

I suddenly lost consciousness.

(An: Damn! How could you lose to him so easily? I expected more from my mc.)

[Sabo P.O.V.]

All the monsters suddenly stopped attacking us and went away.

"What happened to them?" asked Brook

"I think Ken is behind this." said Robin

"He must be the one. Robert, take down the barrier."

He nodded, and the shadow barrier disappeared.

"Dorry, Brogy, the entrance is a little small so can you guy protect it while we go inside."

"No problem, Sabo." said Dorry

"Thank you. Let's go guys."

The five of us walked down the stairs.

"Ugh, it smells so bad here. My nose can't take this. Oh, wait. I don't have a nose. Yohohohoho."

"Sigh, to think you could be so relaxed in this situation. But this smell of blood is definitely not a good sign."

"Captain might need our help. We need to hurry." said Laffitte


He disappeared.

"Wait it could be dangerous down there!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. We have no other choice but to follow him." said Robert

"Sigh. Why can't people think before they act? Let's go before he gets himself killed."

*WOOSH* x5

We started running down the stairs.

I activated my Haki to sense for any traps or enemies hiding.

A little bit later all of us arrived in a room with a coffin and Ken on the ground with his hand on the coffin.

"Ken!" x2

"Captain!" x3

I was about to grab him.

"Don't touch him!" screamed someone from inside the coffin

I immediately jumped back.

"D… did that just come from inside the coffin?" asked Brook

"Yeah, I'm inside of here talking to you guys. My name is Vlad. How I ended up here doesn't matter right now. I got to know Ken a little bit, and I showed him the way out of here, but the idiot sudd-"

Laffitte suddenly let out a massive amount of killing intent.

"What did you just call my Captain?"

I grabbed his shoulder.

"Calm down Laffitte. We need information, and you threatening our only source of information isn't a good idea."

He calmed down.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it. I'm used to worse. Now continuing with my story. Ken suddenly touched my coffin without telling me. The reason why he is like this is because the coffin is cursed, and anyone who touches it could potentially die."

I felt my heart skip a beat. And I almost lost control of my emotions.

"And who is the one that cast this curse?" asked Robin

"My father. He sealed me away to protect me."

"Hahahahaha!" Laffitte suddenly started laughing

"What is so funny?" asked Vlad

"Do you really think that your father is trying to protect you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've sensed it too, Sabo. Tell him what you sensed."

"Sigh, why are you always like this, Laffitte."

"It's better to tell someone the painful truth, then have them live with a cold lie."

"Sigh. Vlad, what Laffitte means is that we can sense two people inside of the coffin. One is definitely Ken, and the other one should be your father. And it looks like they want to kill each other. Which means that they are full of malicious intent."

I took a deep breath.

"But even then, I can feel concern and worry from Ken. I can immediately tell that he is fighting to protect. But all I can feel from your father is greed and hatred."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Vlad

"Your father doesn't care about you." said Robert

"Robert! I tried to bring it to him gently."

"There is no way to tell someone that their father doesn't care about them gently, Sabo."

"You guys are lying! Why would you say something like that!? My father always cared for me! He wanted me to succeed and surpass him! He is the best father I could have wished for!" screamed Vlad


I suddenly sensed his father's consciousness leaving the coffin and entering Vlad.

"ARGH! What is happening! AAAAHHHH!"

"That is your father."

"What!? What do you mean!?"

"His consciousness is trying to enter your body."

"Aahh, what are you doing stepdad."

(CUT CUT CUT! Cut that last sentence out!)

"AAAHHHH! Why are you doing this father!?"

Suddenly he stopped screaming, and a more mature sounding voice came from the coffin.

"I'm just taking your body since you're wasting its potential. And I made you, so it's mine, to begin with."

"Is it just me or is something not right here?" asked Brook


The coffin suddenly exploded, and Ken flew back. I caught him before he hit the wall.

A lot of smoke filled the room. I tried to sense what was inside of the fog.


"We need to run away! We are no match for him! We've got Ken so let's go!"

When we were about to run away, the guy inside the coffin made his move.

"I won't let any of you escape here today!"

He ran towards us.

'We're screwed!'


He stumbled over his own foot.

"Tsk. I still need to get used to this body."


"Shut up, Robert. Let's go before he gets up."

*WOOSH* x5

We arrived at the top of the stairs.

"Captain!" x2

"We need to run away right now! We're being chased by someone who is too strong. We'll explain what happened when we're safe."

They nodded, and we ran towards the open gates.


They shut close in our faces.

"Kekeke. There is no escaping me."

We turned around and saw a pale old man with long white hair and a white goatee. He has red eyes, and he is wearing old looking pyjamas.

(I'll leave the pic here.)

"Sabo, Do you have a plan?" asked Robert


I walked to the corner and put Ken down against the wall.

"We have no other choice. Since there is no way we can escape, we'll protect Ken to the end. I hope you guys are prepared to face him with all you've got."

"We giants never back out of a fight." said Brogy

"Neither do we humans." said Robert

"Kekeke. How touching. Too bad you brats are out of your league."


He came running towards us.

"Cien Fleur: Big Tree Slap Combo!"



A giant hand suddenly sprouted from the ground and slapped him into the wall. But the hand didn't stop there. It disappeared and appeared next to him and slapped him again.




And again, and again, and again.


A little bit later, the hand disappeared, and he fell on the ground.

"Damn Robin, where did that come from?" asked Robert

She smiled.

"Ken is a great teacher."

"Teacher, huh. I bet he was teaching you more than just how to fight."

"Robert! This isn't the time for jokes."

"I'm sorry Sabo, I just had to say it."

I suddenly sensed him moving.

"Kekeke. I didn't expect a little girl like you to have so much strength behind her slaps."

He stood up without a scratch and smiled at us.

"But too bad, little mortals like you aren't capable of hurting me."

Robin also smiled.

"You look proud for being able to stop the weakest attack of a little mortal me."

"You bitch!"

"To think that you'd be able to get mad over a small insult from a little mortal. I didn't expect that from you."

'What is she doing? Why is she getting him mad?'

I suddenly spotted a paper that she was holding behind her back. The rest also seemed to notice.

[Hang on, guys! We're coming to get you guys out of here!

- Perona]


Anime Quotes:

"Working hard alone doesn't assure you that you'll achieve your dreams. Actually, there are more cases where you don't. Even so, working hard and achieving something is some consolation at least."

– Hachiman Hikigaya (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)

"People can say there is a balance, a logic that everything happens for a reason… But the truth is far less designed. No matter how hard you work, when you die, you die. Some spend their entire life trying to scratch their way to the top, and still die in poverty. While others are born into wealth without ever working at all. It's a cruel and random world. And yet the chaos is all so beautiful."

– Dante (FMA)

"You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little longer."

– Saitama (One Punch Man)