Chapter 86

[3 days later]

Everything seemed to go well for these last 3 days. I haven't spotted any marines, and Rayleigh has finished coating the two ships. The crew is preparing the ships to leave while I'm talking with Rayleigh.

"Who would have thought that you could actually be useful for something."

"Hahaha, you sure like to trash talk me a lot." said Rayleigh

"Well, you don't get the chance to trash talk someone of your caliber and get out of it alive."

"And what guarantee do you have that I won't turn on you now?"

"That barrel that you're sitting on, open it up. It's my present to you."

"Oh, a present from you. How do I know if it's safe?"

"I can just take it back."

"Ey, this is mine now. Don't you dare touch it!"

He opened it up.

"Hm? This smells familiar."

"I did some research on that special drink of yours, and I managed to get my hands on this barrel."

"WHAT! This is that drink!?"

He tasted a little bit of it.

"It's exactly the same! How did you get your hands on so much of it?"

"It's a secret, but this is my pay for the little bit I stole from you, plus the price for the ship coating and whatever Shakky owes me."

He became a little scared at the last part.

"Shakky isn't the type to treat people who don't give her money really nice."

"Alright, give me that barrel back then."

He hugged it.

"Fine, you have a deal."

I smirked.

'I have 20 more barrels downstairs. It was made by some old man who managed to create a really good recipe with luck. But I waved a couple of bills in front of his face, and he sold me his recipe plus his entire stock.'


A giant wolf who is covered in blood suddenly jumped on my ship. Rayleigh immediately put his guard up, even though he didn't show it.

"Calm down, Rayleigh. He is a friend."

"A friend?"

The wolf bowed down in front of me, and I could see Vlad on his back. He looks like he is on the brink of death.


The wolf looked at me, clearly begging me to save Vlad.

"You're asking too much of me. I will be putting everyone at risk if I help you guys."

He looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Eye, stop that! You won't get me with those eyes."

"We can't just leave them like this. They'll die!" said Deuce

"You and your doctor's instinct."

"They're our friends, so we have to safe them." said Ace

"When did they become our friends?"

"Unlike you, we've talked a lot with Vlad and became friends in the process." said Sabo


'Well, this will be the perfect way to recruit him, so whatever. The World Government wants me dead anyway.'

"Fine, but you three will be responsible for whatever happens."

"Yes, sir!" x3

"Robert, bring them to the giant's training room. Deuce, grab your stuff, and perform your magic."

"Yes, sir!" x2

I looked at Rayleigh.

"As you can see, we've got ourselves in a bit of a situation, so this is where we have to say our goodbyes."

He threw me a paper, and I caught it. He picked up the barrel.

"I can see that you have your hands full, so I won't be in your way. You can call if you want to make another deal. Good luck and goodbye."

He disappeared without making a sound.

I looked at the rest.

"Continue with preparing the ships. We will leave as soon as possible."

A group of marines suddenly appeared in front of our ships.

'Kizaru! At least it isn't the stupid red dog.''

He looked at me.

"We're looking for a big wolf and a pale guy with white hair. Have you seen them?" asked Kizaru in his slow voice

I pointed toward a direction.

"They went that way."

"I see, thank you. We're also looking for someone named Ken, That almost killed a Celestial Dragon. Do you know where he went?"

My crew looked shocked.

"Which one is a higher priority?"

He suddenly appeared in front of me.

"You, of course."

He pointed his finger at my head, but I punched his arm up, making him miss me. I tried to kick him, but he blocked me with his leg. We both jumped back.

"There he is, father! That's the bastard who did all of this to me!"

I saw the celestial bastard and someone that looked like him on a big slave, with at least a thousand guards around them.

'What the hell is he doing here? Does he really think that he can beat me with that small army?'

"What did you call my Captain?"

Laffitte is standing behind him with a knife on his throat. Kizaru looked perplexed. Laffitte grabbed the celestial bastard and jumped back on the ship.

"Hahaha, it seems like this is checkmate, Kizaru. Will you attack us and be responsible for the death of a celestial bastard, or will you let us go and pick him up somewhere in the ocean?"

He looked at the father of the celestial bastard.

"Sir, I can't do anything in this situation."

"You useless bastard! I thought that you Admirals were supposed to be strong! Just kill him already!"

Kizaru grabbed his Den Den Mushi and called someone. The person immediately picked up.



"Sir, we have a situation here."


"I'm confronting the Azure Pirates, and they are hiding the ones who attacked Mary Geoise."

"Then capture them already!"

"What I meant by situation is that Saint Charloss and his father came here with an army, and one of the Azure Pirates managed to sneak up behind Saint Charloss and capture him. They are now holding him hostage."


Sengoku kept quiet.

"Eye Sengoku, Ken here."

"Brat! You better let him go before I come down there myself."

"Hahaha, he'll be dead before you arrive if you start pissing me off."

"What do you want?" he asked in a pissed voice

"Say, how is Gramps doing? When you see him, tell him that I miss him."

"What are you trying to do, brat! You can say that after you betrayed him!"

"I just miss him. The one I betrayed was the Marine Hero, not Monkey D. Garp. There is a difference between the two of them."

"Stop talking bullshit! Let him go, or you'll regret it!"

I smirked.


I walked towards the celestial bastard.

"You really don't learn. Laffitte, open his mouth."

"Yes, sir."

Laffitte cut open his mouth, making it bigger.

(Imagine if Katakuri didn't have those stitches.)


"What are you doing, KEN!" screamed Sengoku

I stood to the side and showed Kizaru how I put something that looked like a pill in the celestial bastard's mouth, and I made him swallow it.

His head suddenly turned red, and he started coughing. His head then suddenly turned purple, but it turned back to normal a couple of seconds later.

"What did you put in his mouth?" asked Kizaru

"This is a special poison that is made by me. And only I have the antidote. And don't think that your useless doctors will have a chance to make an antidote. It's completely invisible. He'll have two months left to live, and if you let us go right now, I'll give you the antidote when we're far enough away."

"Do you really think that we'll let you go like this!?" screamed Sengoku

I smirked and looked at the celestial bastard's father.

"Tell them to fuck off, or your son will die right now."

He immediately became scared.

"Everyone, go away!"

"But sir."

Kizaru tried to reason with him, but the poor guy has no say in this.

"I said get out of here! A million of you can't afford my son's death!"

"Kizaru, take everyone, and come back. We can't do anything now." said Sengoku

"Yes, sir."

Everyone started leaving.

The celestial bastard glared at me.

"You better let my son go and give us the antidote, or I'll send the whole word after you!"

I grabbed his son and threw him in front of him.

"I'll give you the antidote in one month. And if I see just one marine near my crew or me, your son is done for.."

"You bastard!"

I flipped him off, and the ships went down into the water, and we disappeared.

After we were far enough away, we could finally relax.

"Good job, Laffitte. You really surprised them."

"It was his fault for badmouthing you."

"Hahaha, thank you."

"I didn't know you had such ace up your sleeve." said Sabo

"Oh, you mean that extra sour and disgusting candy? Yeah, the taste of it must have been worse than poison."

They looked a little bit surprised, but they must have expected something like this from me.

"Yohoho. You easily fooled me, Captain."

"It had to be at least that believable to fool an Admiral and a celestial bastard. But let's forget about those idiots and continue our journey."


Anime Quotes:

"It's okay to set your goals high; that's what we call a dream!"

– Tatsuhiko Ookuma (Again!!!)

"Your past shouldn't stop you from achieving your goals and dreams."

– Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)

"When a person dies, he disappears, along with his past, current lifestyle, and his future. Many people die in missions and wars. They die easily and in surprisingly simple ways. Hayate was one of them. Those who die have goals and dreams. But everyone has something as important as those. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers… people who are important to you. They trust and help each other. The bond between the people important to you ever since birth and the string that binds them becomes thicker and stronger as time goes by… It's beyond reason. Those bound to you by that string will do that because it is important."

– Iruka Umino (Naruto)

[Ey shitty reader, I've read your comment. But why did you delete it? Are you scared of me or something? Well, whatever. I'll see you later, you lazy shitty reader.]