Chapter 92

I appeared on the ship. Everyone seemed to be in their rooms, getting ready. I went to the prison, and I saw one of them chained up behind bars, and I saw some burn marks in the corner.

'Ace must have erased the dead guy.'

I chained the leader up next to the other guy. I locked everything and left. I went to my room and saw a blue suit with golden accents on my bed. I picked it up, and I saw my jolly roger on the back of the jacket.

'Laffitte likes to show off his skills.'

I put everything on and walked to the deck, where I found everyone waiting for me. All the guys, including the wolf, are wearing suits in their favorite colors, and the girls are wearing beautiful dresses. Robin's is blue, and Perona's is pink. And I can see my jolly roger on all of them.

"You guys look great. We will put everyone there to shame."

"But it's so uncomfortable ." said Urouge

"You'll get used to it. And you look fly, so why care?"

"If Captains says that I look good in it, I'll put up with it."

"Alright, let's go and party!"

"YEAH!" x15

We walked off the ships and after a little walking, we arrived in front of the palace. This time the guards immediately let us in. A maid came to us and showed us the way to the party. We appeared in a huge room which is filled with people and food.

"There you are, Ken. I almost thought that you wouldn't come." said Fukaboshi

"You never want to be the first at a party, and I don't see the Neptune nor Shirahoshi, so I don't think we're that late."

"They are still preparing themselves. How about we have a couple of drinks together with my brothers before they arrive."

"Sounds good. Sabo, Ace, come with me. The rest of you go and have fun."

They nodded and dispersed. The three of us followed Fukaboshi to a table where his brothers are sitting and we sat down. Fukaboshi immediately started pouring us sake. When he poured for all of us, he held his cup up.

"Cheers to our friends, Ken, Sabo, Ace, and the rest."

"CHEERS!" x5

We all gulped down the sake in an instance and Fukaboshi poured more for all of us again. Fukaboshi and I kept drinking one after another, while the other 4 were taking their time. It suddenly turned quiet, and I saw Shirahoshi and her father come in.


Shirahoshi came running towards me.

"You came!"

"Why do you look so surprised. I promised you, didn't I?"

"No, I was just happy."

"Aww, you're so adorable."

I pinched her cheeks, and she pouted.

"I'm not a little kid!"

"To me, you are an adorable little kid."

I pinched her cheeks again, and she glared at me.

"How about you go and have fun with Robin and Perona. You are too young to join in on our fun."

"Who are they?"

I pointed to them.

"They're my crewmates. Go and say hi. I'm sure you'll guys can become friends."


She quickly ran towards them.

"It seems like she really likes you." said Fukaboshi

"What? Are you scared that I'll be a better big brother than you?"

He stood up.

"Huh!? Like hell, you could ever be better than me."

I also stood up, and we started butting heads.

"Then why was she so excited to see me and didn't even look at you guys?"

"Ey Ken, Fukaboshi, you guys are drunk. Stop this." said Sabo, but we ignored him

Fukaboshi grabbed my collar, and I grabbed his.

"You want to fight bastard!" screamed Fukaboshi

"Let's go, you bastard!"

[3rd person P.O.V.]

"I'm so embarrassed sometimes that he is my brother." said Ace

"Yeah, we're too." said Ryuboshi

"How about we go somewhere else?" asked Ace

The other three nodded, and they left Ken and Fukaboshi alone. Ken suddenly gave Fukaboshi a headbutt, but Fukaboshi didn't back down and punched Ken in his stomach.

"You're done for you bastard!" screamed Ken

"No, you're the one that is done for!" screamed Fukaboshi

The people that knew the two of them personally tried to hide away and not be associated with them.

Ken punched Fukaboshi in his face, which sent him flying into a pilar. Ken then picked up a bottle of sake and drank it in an instance. His cheeks turned even redder, and he started swaying a little bit.

Fukaboshi stood up and also picked up a bottle of sake from a table near him and gulped it down. They looked at each other and started running towards each other, but they fell face-first into the ground before they could reach each other.

Ken was the first one to stand up.

"I will show you my ultimate technique! Drunken Fist!"

He got into a fighting stance. Fukaboshi stood up and ran towards him again, but this time he didn't fall. He started punching towards Ken, but Ken just dodged everything easily by swaying randomly. Ken suddenly punched him in the face, but instead of Fukaboshi falling, he himself fell backward.

"Hahaha, I've got you now!"

Fukaboshi tried to punch Ken, but he stopped him with his feet. Ken wrapped his feet around Fukaboshi's arm and pulled him closer. He grabbed Fukaboshi's hair and in one swift motion, he threw Fukaboshi on the ground and then sat on him.

"Hahaha, what will you do now bitch!" screamed Ken

"Get off me, you bastard!"

Sabo suddenly walked towards King Neptune.

"Do you mind if I kick them out?" asked Sabo

"Go ahead. My stupid son is making himself look like a fool."

Sabo then walked towards Ken and Fukaboshi, who are fighting.

"Stop it already, you two."

"Fuck off!" x2

Sabo got visibly pissed.

"I tried to be nice with you guys, but you two had to act like idiots to the end."



Sabo kicked both of them through the window into the garden.

"That takes care of that."

After Sabo kicked them out, the party went on like normal, but Ken and Fukaboshi kept fighting in the garden. At the end of the night when the party ended, Ken finally came out on top and knocked out Fukaboshi. Fukaboshi's brothers picked him up and took him to the doctor. Ken, on the other hand, walked back to his ship on his own feet two and his crew followed behind him.

"Did you have fun, Captain?" asked Laffitte


"Hell yeah. I showed that fucker, who is the boss."

"You were really awesome, Captain."

"Don't hype him up, Laffitte! He made a fool out of himself." said Sabo

"Don't talk to the Captain like that!"

"Huh!? Did you forget who I am!"

"But Captain is still higher than you."

Sabo glared at Laffitte.

"It seems like I have to educate you about how to treat your seniors!"

"Good luck with that." said Laffitte

They got ready to fight. Everyone on the crew had red faces, and some looked even drunker than Ken. Except for Robert, who seemed completely fine.

"Sigh, you guys are going too far. I'll take us all back to the ship before we become a laughing stock." said Robert

Suddenly a shadow portal appeared on the ground, and everyone got sucked inside. Robert brought everyone to their rooms and then went to his own after that.


[Ey guys and girls. Do you mind donating a couple of power stones? Thank you in advance!]

Anime Quotes:

"It was like you brought color to my life. You changed my life, all by yourself."

- Sawaka Kuronuma (Reaching You)

"It's not that you can fall in love with someone new because you forgot the old. It's because you fall in love with someone new that you're able to forget about the old. Only love can heal a heart that was hurt by love."

- Takeuchi's sister (Ayaka Takeuchi)

Love, passion, why do we get caught up by such troublesome feelings? The mind couldn't ever get things straight, and you lose control to know what is sensible. Deep down it's all so vexing.

- Usui Takumi (Maid Sama)