Chapter 103

[1 week later]

Aokiji finally got enough from the Celestial bastard and killed him. After that, he told me that he needed to head back to Marine HQ. He disappeared right afterward, without saying goodbye to anyone.

I've told my plan to Laffitte about Impel Down, and he became really happy, but his happiness disappeared after I told him that he and Robert have to take the family of 5 to one of the Blues. But of course, he didn't complain and said that he'd be happy to do it.

I was sitting on the deck reading a book when I suddenly sensed Ace running towards me.

'What does this bastard want?'

"You're done for!"

He appeared in front of me and punched towards my face, but I blocked it with my palm. I grabbed hold of his fist and started squeezing it, making him squirm in pain.

"You just managed to use the bare minimum of Busoshoku Haki, and you came to challenge me. How foolish."

I gave him a clean uppercut that knocked him out.

'Stupid rookies. Thinking they're something after being able to do something I've been able to do years ago. And once I'm able to use Ryuo and have mastered it, I'm gonna kill Big Mom.'


Ace suddenly woke up screaming.

"What happened?"

"I knocked you out for trying to hit your Captain."

"Tsk, fuck you. It was just a lucky shot."

"Get your ass back to training. You're wasting valuable time. Oh, and fuck you too."

He flipped me off and walked away.

'I should also get back to training.

[2 weeks later]

I sent Aiko and her family away to safety. A week ago, and we're almost completely prepared to go raid Impel Down. We're just waiting for Laffitte. When I looked up, I saw an angel coming down from the sky. The angel landed next to me.

"Good news, Captain." said the Angel

"Did you find it, Laffitte?"

"Yes, Captain. I found an abandoned sky island that is big enough for your plans."

(An: For the people that don't know, there are more than one Sky islands in the One Piece World. Oh, and Laffitte has an unknown Devil Fruit that gives him wings that look like those of an Angel.)

"Good job. I'd love to see the look on Sengoku's face when all the prisoners in Impel Down have suddenly disappeared."

I looked at the seven people who will follow me today to write history.

"Sabo, Ace, Brook, Urouge, Deuce, Laffitte, Robert, we are about to do something that has never been done before. This will cause a huge uproar in the world, but no one is allowed to know that it has been done by us till the time is right. So I'll trust you guys with completely taking over Impel Down without anyone outside realizing. Are you guys ready?"

"Yes, sir!" x7

"Good. Robin, Van Augur, I'll leave you guys in command. Take care of everyone till we're back."

"Yes, sir." x2

"Laffitte, Robert, lead the way."

Robert used his portal, and we disappeared.

'Tsk, why is my hand shaking so much? Am I really getting scared? No, I'm just getting too excited. After all, if everything goes as plan, I will get strong allies and completely block Blackbeard's path to Yonko. Blackbeard and IM are the only two I truly fear. So taking out one of them so early will, of course, get me excited.'

[Sengoku P.O.V.]

I was sitting in my office eating my lunch when Garp walked in.


"What are you doing here! Did you find who that bastard has come in contact with since he started his journey?"

"The only ones he came in contact with are his crew, enemies, waiters from restaurants, shop clerks, and the Neptune Family."

"What am I supposed to do with that?"

"I don't care. I've done my part of the deal. So, how is your hunt going?"

"Don't remind me. That brat is killing every scout I send."

"Then send someone he can't kill."

"You really are an idiot. Don't you read any of the damn reports I send your way!?"

"I fall asleep every time I pick them up."

"Tsk. The reason I can't send anyone strong is because the Revolutionary Army is acting up. Ever since that brat has said too much at Enies Lobby, people have been seen joining the Revolutionary army left and right. We estimate that their army size has increased by 3 times."

The look on Garp's face changed.

'The idiot seems to realize how serious this matter is.'

"How about their upper ranks? If the only ones that joined are weaklings, it won't be that bad."

"No, we aren't that lucky. They've got 3 new Army Commanders. But we don't know anything about them. And there are rumors of a Second in Command hiding in the shadows. Damn it! This is all your fault! First, your son and now your student."

"Hahahahaha, yeah, those brats are being troublesome. Luckily I'm just a Vice-Admiral, so it isn't my problem."

"Get out of my office, you bastard!"

"Hahaha! Alright, have fun, Sengoku."

He walked out of my office.

'That bastard! He will be the end of me."

I pushed a button, and someone came running into my office.

"What can I do for you, sir?" asked my secretary

"Have you idiots found Saint Jalmack yet?"

"N… No, sir."

'How the hell could he have disappeared under that tight security?'

"What about Ken's movements?"

"He and his crew have been on the same island for over a month now. We didn't sense any weird movements, but we couldn't get too close to confirm."

"Sigh, do you have any more bad news or finally some good news?"

He looked away and started sweating.

"Ey, answer me, you bastard!"

"Um, the results of the global crime count has come out."

"Then give it to me already."

He walked to me and gave me a paper with shaking hands.

'Why is he shaking? It couldn't be that bad, right?'

I snatched it out of his hands and started reading through it.

'The crimes committed all over the world has increased by…'

"Ey, you bastard! How dare you give me false results!"

"Th… the… these results have been calculated over a hundred times in the last month and every time the amount increases. The 2 times increase in crime isn't false, sir."

'Impossible! Gol D. Roger managed to increase the number of crimes by 10 times when he said his last words. And even though the crime rates have slowly been dropping since then, they were still high. And now that amount has doubled. This is bad!'

"Call for an emergency meeting right now!"

"Y… yes, sir!"

He ran out of my office.

'If I don't manage to get this under control, I'm doomed. How could this even have happened? How could it have doubled from last year? The only reason I can think of is that brat. Did the people start to look up to him after he exposed those secrets and beat everyone who came after him? That must be it!'


[Poor Sengoku, I don't feel bad for him at all.]


"Some people play games for entertainment.

Some people play for the sake of socializing.

But mostly, people play to escape this bullshit called reality."

"Pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell."

"I don't hate you… I'm just simply not excited about your existence."

"Nobody is perfect. I'm nobody, so I'm perfect."

"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more."