Chapter 109

[Ken P.O.V.]

I got everyone to start training, and I went to do my own training with Sabo's help. When we were far enough away from the rest, I started.

"Just try to fight it."

He nodded.

I felt that the Haki wasn't concentrated and just went everywhere. Sabo didn't look pressured at all. I tried it again, but this time I was trying to focus everything on Sabo, but it again went everywhere.

That's how Sabo and I spent the rest of our day.

[Brook P.O.V.]

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun shot]

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun shot]

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun shot]

I dodged the three bullets Van Augur sent towards me, and I appeared in front of him. I put my hand on my sheathed sword.

In an instant, I slashed towards him, but he seemed to be expecting it and easily dodged it. I jumped back.

"That was my fastest attack. I'm surprised that you could dodge that."

"I couldn't have if Captain didn't teach me Haki. But seeing as he wanted me to train with you knowing that I could dodge your fastest slash, he must be expecting you to become faster."

"I don't think that that's the reason, but more speed will always come in handy."

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun shot]

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun shot]

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun shot]

He started shooting at me again, and I deflected them with my blade, but he suddenly disappeared out of my line of sight.

"Thonk!" [SFX: Gun hitting empty skull]

"Argh, that isn't fair! Why would you hit me with your gun!?"

"You'd rather me shoot you in the head?"

I froze.

"No, no, of course not!"

"BAM!" [SFX: Gun hitting bones]

He suddenly hit my side with his gun, and I flew away. I managed to land safely, and I glared at him.

"What kind of sniper are you! Use your gun how it's supposed to be used!"

"But it's working, isn't it? So why should I use it another way if I can just beat you with this?"

Steam started coming out of my skull. I snapped.

"Hanauta Sancho..."

I started walking towards him.

"Do you really think that it will work? I defeated it the fi-"

I walked past him.

"...Yahazu Giri."

I walked past him.

'That'll teach him. I held back before, but this time I went full power.'

I looked back, and my soul left my body.


He was standing there, unharmed.

"Fate doesn't seem to favor you today."

He suddenly appeared in front of me, and all I could see was the back of his gun before everything turned dark.

[Van Augur P.O.V.]

'It seems like I underestimate him.'

I started falling down, and I lost my consciousness.

[Paulie P.O.V.]

"Thud." [SFX: Fist hitting metal]

"Thud." [SFX: Fist hitting metal]

"Thud." [SFX: Fist hitting metal]

I'm punching the metal wall inside of the main ship's training room.

"What's gotten into Paulie?" asked Ace

"Who knows. He has been like this since we arrived here." said Robert

'Of course, they wouldn't understand. They're strong after all.'

I started hitting the metal wall harder. My fists started hurting, but I didn't care.

When I was still living on Water 7, I always thought that I was strong. No matter who it was, I would always beat them, or it would be a really close fight. But looking at these monsters, I doubt I would even be on this crew if I wasn't a shipwright. Even my bounty is as the shipwright of the Azure Pirates, not as Paulie.

So I need to become stronger. I came here for an adventure. If I just came here to fix ships, I should have just stayed back home. But I'll show Ken and the World that I'm more than just a shipwright! I'll make sure that my name goes down in history as a legendary figure!

"Wow, he looks pissed off for some reason." said Ace

"Did his girlfriend call him to break up or something?" said Robert

"Hahaha, that guy!? Don't make me laugh! You'd have better luck getting a girl."

"You want to fight!" screamed Robert, and I

"Ey, ey, it was just a joke!"

"Tsk, whatever. Don't bother me anymore."

I went back to hitting the wall. I have no time to deal with their jokes.

"I think something really did happen to him. Normally he would lash out on us." said Ace

"Yeah, really weird. But whatever, let's just leave him alone." said Robert

They went back to training.

'Finally, some peace.'

I kept hitting the wall till I was about to die from pain.

'It hurts like hell, but my old man said that this was how he became strong, so it must be good. I was never able to beat him, but I also have never done this type of training. You better not have been joking with me, old man!'

[Shiryu P.O.V.]

I'm standing at the edge of the sky island, and I'm just sending slashes towards the White White Sea with my Raiu.

'I'm slowly starting to feel my powers coming back. I'm so glad that Laffitte and Robert got our weapons back before we left. Even though I didn't like the guy, this was a present from my gramps. He gave it to me when he was about to die. But there was no one else to give it to anyway.'

I suddenly sensed someone behind me, and when I looked back, I saw Dobby Ibadonbo.

"Yo, Shiryu."

"What do you want, Dobby?"

"I'm not a revenge type of guy, so I didn't come here to kill you for all the times you messed with me as a guard. It was already good enough to see you behind bars. But still, since we're crewmates now, how about we have a friendly spar. Just don't get mad if I break your skull."

I smirked.

"Don't worry, I'm still rusty, so I won't beat you too bad."

I held Raiu in front of me, and he put two iron gloves on his hands.

"So you're that type of fighter, I didn't know. But just looking at you should have made it obvious."

He smiled, and I sent a sword slash towards him, but all I hit was an after image.

'So he is a speed type. I should be careful. My sword is quite long, so if I make a wide swing, he'll be able to take advantage of that opportunity and hit me.'

I suddenly felt someone approaching me from behind, but when I turned towards him, I saw a fist coming towards my face. I managed to barely dodge it. He then punched me in my stomach before I could react and sent me flying back.

"Argh, you're better than I expected."

"Well, unlike you, I wasn't chained down, so I was able to train for the entire time."

"You trained even though there was no hope of getting out!?"

"I did it because I was bored, but looking at our current situation, I made the right choice. When I got sent to Level 6, the two of us were equal in strength. I could easily sense it. But now, with 5 years of training, you're not a match for me."

"Hahahaha! I truly didn't expect this, but while you've been training your body, I've been training my mind. And after you hit me in the face, it seems like my fighting spirit has started to wake up. So let's see whether your body or my mind is stronger!"

We ran towards each other and started fighting.


Anime Quotes:

"People crumble easily if their heart lacks resolve. Just swinging your sword thoughtlessly will never make you stronger."

– Shimura Shinpachi (Gintama)

"I can't cry anymore. I feel like I've lost something. An important part of a human being. I wonder if something's wrong with my heart."

– Izumi Shinichi (Parasyte The Maxim/ Kiseijuu Sei no Kakuritsu)

"It's not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and by their appearances."

– Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)