Chapter 131

"Sengoku, I hope that you won't regret today's decision." said Dragon

He put his hand in the air, and a dangerous aura surrounded him. The marine soldiers looked like they were about to run away. But before he attacks, he suddenly turned around and looked at the still open gates. The people that couldn't use Haki looked confused, but those that could all know that a ship is approaching.

The snail camera pointed towards the gates and everyone was on the tip of their seats wondering who's coming. A little bit later, they could see a pirate ship, and when they saw the flag, they were surprised. They're the Strawhat Pirates. They stopped their ship next to Dragon's.

"Guys!" screamed Luffy

"Luffy!" x9

"Sit tight, Luffy. I'll cut my way through here and get save you!" screamed Zoro

"Shut up broccoli head, I'll be the first one to save him!" screamed Sanji

"You want to go!"

They started butting heads when something flew past them. A ball of fire that suddenly turned into a phoenix and went right for Sengoku. But before it made it to him, it got cut in half by the new Admiral Ryokugyu.

"You brat! Don't think that something like that will work on me! Cough, cough, cough!"

Sengoku started coughing and his head started turning red. The ones that paid attention could see that there was a ball hidden inside the phoenix which went into the Fleet Admirals mouth.

"Take that! This is my Ultimate Ultra Spicy Ball, which is enough to have even an elephant screaming in pain!" screamed Usopp while his legs were shaking

"Hahahaha! Good job, Usopp!" screamed Luffy

Sengoku started spewing fire from his mouth, and he seemed like he was about to die. A marine gave him some milk, which he drank instantly, but it didn't help at all. The Strawhats, Revolutionaires, and the people watching around the world started laughing. Even the marine soldiers were trying their best to hold in their laughs.

'I could help him out, but I'm definitely not going to.' thought Aokiji

"That was a suuuper attack, Usopp." said Franky

"Hehe, it's only expected from a warrior of the sea to take out the strongest one." said Usopp

"Your name is Usopp?" asked Dragon

Usopp looked at Dragon and nodded with a proud smile.

"I'm happy that Luffy was able to find such good friends, but you guys should stay back. This isn't something you guys can handle. That attack just now was because he underestimated you. But that won't happen again. The next time it will be your head that's cut in half."

Zoro and Sanji were about to argue when Dragon put his hand up again, and they took a step back instinctively. Sengoku started to calm down and all the marine soldiers put their guards up.

"Now for real, I'll make you regret this!" said Dragon

The sky started changing, and dark clouds started appearing in the earlier blue sky. When the entire sky was covered in dark clouds, Dragon swung his arm down. As he did a massive gust of wind went through the marine soldiers and threw them into the air. Their entire formation was destroyed in a couple seconds.

(An: As I'm writing this, it isn't known what his fruit is, so I'm going with a wind type fruit. If in the future it turns out that he has a different type of fruit or none at all, don't come at me for it not being right.)

Sengoku frowned.

'He's gotten stronger. But that was within our calculations.' thought Sengoku

Everyone that didn't know about Dragon's capabilities where shocked. He injured the entire army in one move. But the marines weren't that easy to take out as they started fighting back after some of them could stand back up again. They fired their cannons with new cannonballs, but no matter how many they fire, all of them exploded in mid-air like they hit an invisible wall.

"Aokiji, buy our soldiers some time to get ahold of themselves." said Sengoku

'Tsk, this will be the last time you can order me around.' thought Aokiji

Aokiji instantly disappeared and appeared on the water in front of the ships. The cannons immediately stopped firing. Suddenly the water around him started turning into ice and it quickly went towards the ships. He completely froze the ships in place, making it impossible for them to move the ships. A wall of ice then suddenly surrounded the ships, and Aokiji went back to his seat.

The Soldiers took this time to quickly get ahold of themselves and help the ones who were injured badly. The giant wall of ice that surrounded the ships suddenly started vibrating, and it broke into little ice pieces. After the wall of ice got destroyed, you could see someone standing next to Dragon. He is wearing a pink yukata, and he has orange hair. He is as tall as Dragon and has a katana on his side with a pink hilt. His face looks like that of a pretty boy.

"Thank you for making a path for us. My name is Toshiro the Revolutionary Armies Chief of Staff. Please take good care of me." said Toshiro while smiling

He jumped off the ship and everyone jumped after him except for Dragon who didn't move from his spot.

[Jiyū Island]

"It seems like I underestimated them. I haven't really paid any attention to them, but it seems like they have become much stronger. If they were able to take all their soldiers with them, the marines would really be sweating. This is probably not even 20% of their army. " said Whitebeard.

"That Toshiro guy seems strong. He's probably the guy who took down the ice wall." said Vista

"I kinda wished we could have also been there. I really feel like fighting someone strong." said Jozu

"If you want to fight, you should wait till those bastards are back." said Marco

But all the civilians glared at him and started slowly approaching him while grabbing anything near them which they could use as a weapon. Marco started backing up.

"Wait I was just kidding. I'm sorry, please put those things down."

They didn't listen to him and started beating him up. Even though it didn't really hurt him, it was still a funny sight. The Whitebeard Pirates began laughing.

[Marine HQ]

Toshiro started moving forwards and he was being followed by the rest of the Revolutionaries. Since the cannons have become useless, the marine soldiers jumped down on the frozen lakes and welcomed the Revolutionaries. But before they could engage in a close combat fight and truly start this war, everyone looked at the gate again. But this time, the ones with Haki had a cautious look on their faces.

The camera also moved towards the gate and this time everyone was completely confused. The Strawhats showing up wasn't a complete shock since it's their Captain that is captured. But who else would be crazy enough to risk their life for Luffy?


Anime Quotes:

"A soul needs a purpose to live… and so I concluded that my purpose was to kill everyone besides myself. I felt alive…"

- Gaara (Naruto)

"Nobody preaching about justice is ever a good guy."

- Beerus (Dragon Ball Super)

"Remember that a sword held by someone who is about to die… will never be able to protect anything."

- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach)