Chapter 145

My crew, the Strawhats, and I are in the forest behind the castle. Because of a multitude of spars, a big open area has been created. I looked at the Strawhats with a stern expression.

"If I were to let you guys go back on your journey like this, all of you would die."

"You don't know that! I could have beaten him last time, but I was just unlucky." said Luffy


All 10 of them fell on their knees.

"Luck isn't something you should depend on. If you can't even stand in with this low pressure, you have no business in the New World. The next time you get beaten, you'll be immediately killed or enslaved. You guys don't belong in the New World where everyone is strong and ruthless."


"No more buts! All of you are pathetically weak! So all of you have to train and become strong before you leave here. And there is no need to hurry. The One Piece won't be taken any time soon. "

They all looked hesitant at first, but then all of them radiated determination.

"PLEASE MAKE US STRONG!" screamed Luffy as he and his crew bowed down

'Argh, this idiot! He almost blew my eardrums out.'

"None of you idiots are worthy of being taught by me, so I'll have my crew do it. You can choose your teacher yourself from my crew, but they can deny you if they want."

They looked around, trying to choose the one they want to be taught by.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm not going to teach anyone." said Mihawk

I saw Zoro looking at Mihawk; his intentions are clear. But Mihawk rejected him before he even said anything.





They kept going back and forth, both not backing down.

"Uhm, sir Van Augur, you're the sniper here, right?" asked Usopp

"Yes, that is was I was fated to be."

Usopp bowed down. He's clearly shaking and sweating.

"Can you please teach me!"

"It seems like fate has connected the two of us, so I will teach you."

Usopp looked up with a bright smile.

"Thank you so much!"

Van Augur immediately led Usopp away to start training. The next one to step forward was Chopper.

"I have learned a lot from Dr. Kureha, but there is still a lot that I don't know. So please teach me, Deuce."

"Of course, I owe Dr. Kureha a lot, so I'll be happy to teach you some of my amazing techniques that can cure anything."

"Thank you!"

He may sound arrogant, but he has the skills to back it up. In the 2 year time skip, he traveled all over the world and healed people who were told that they wouldn't survive for long. Every time a doctor said that a patient isn't going to make it, Deuce proved them wrong. He truly is a fantastic doctor. It's too bad that he had to hide his identity, or he would be famous instead of infamous.

"Rooobin-swaan! Please teach me!" screamed Sanji with hearts in his eyes

"So that's a pervert. Captain said that you should never get close to them." said Akari

"What! Take that back! I'm not a pervert!"

"Then why would you choose Robin, who isn't a combat oriented person?" asked Tani

"Because I'd rather be with a gorgeous lady than a stinky brute."

"You really shouldn't choose Robin tho. There are still three other women on the crew, but you had to go for the one that has a boyfriend." said Ace


Sanji fell dejectedly on his knees. All his hopes and dreams got shattered.

"You should be more protective, Sabo. What would you do if he managed to woo her in?" asked Ace

"You idiot. We aren't like that, and you know it."

"Sure, sure. So you're telling me that you hugging her on the sky island was nothing?"

Both Sabo and Robin turned red.

"What for real!? Why didn't you tell me, Ace?" I asked

"Hahaha, I kinda forgot about it."

"It wasn't like that! But now that we're on this topic, what about you and that girl that lives in this Kingdom? What was her name again? Oh yeah, Isabel. You go and see her every day, and when we were about to go to Marineford, I saw her giving you a kiss on your cheek." said Sabo

"You bastard! Were you spying on me!"

"I was just being a concerned brother. So when will the wedding be?"

Ace's fist suddenly turned into flames, and sabo grabbed his spear.

"Sigh, if the forest burns down, I'll kill the both of you."

They nodded and disappeared into the air. I looked around and saw that Robin had disappeared.

'I wish you good luck, Sabo and Ace. Hurry up and bring me some nephews and nieces. I wonder what being an uncle will be like. Uncle Ken has a nice ring to it.'

I looked at the reaming Strawhats without a teacher.

"Sanji, you should ask Tani to teach you. I heard that you use your legs to fight, so Tani will be the best one for you. And once you're done learning from him, all the girls will come your way once you show your skills."

His face immediately brightened up, and he looked at Tani with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, I'll be happy to teach you everything I know."

"Thank you!"

Tani grabbed Sanji, and they disappeared.

"Nami, Laffitte is our navigator and the best one out there, so you should learn under him."

"Kekeke, I'll be happy to teach you, young lady." said Laffitte with a creepy smile

"No way! I don't want to get anywhere near that thing."

'Thing? She really fucked up.'

She tried to hide behind Franky, but Laffitte quickly appeared behind her.


She ran at full speed into the forest, and Laffitte followed her with a grin on his face. The forest got quickly filled with screams.

"Franky, you should come with me. I've learned a lot of new things that I can teach you, and then you can fill me in with the reason you've become a pirate." said Paulie

"That sounds like a SUUUPER plan!" said Franky while posing

One of the new guys suddenly walked forward and bowed in front of Brook.

"Can I please learn under you, sir Brook?" asked Derek

Derek, a guy who looks to be in his early twenties. Brown hair, brown eyes, wearing baggy clothes, and he has a Banjo strapped to his back.

"Yohohoho, I'm actually getting a student. How fun. And you also look like a musician, so this will be even better."

Derek followed Brook, and they disappeared into the forest.


"Fine! But don't you dare complain!" screamed Mihawk

"Yes, sir!" screamed Zoro back

'Took them long enough.'

"Koby, you should learn under Ace. Luffy, you should learn under Sabo. And as for you, Blake, you should learn under Akari."

Blake, a guy that is as big as Akari. He also looks to be in his late twenties. He has red hair, brown eyes and is only wearing blue pants and black shoes. He doesn't seem to have any weapons."

"Yes, sir!" said Koby and Blake

"YES!" screamed Luffy

"If anyone dares to slack off, you can beat them up."

"Yes, sir!" said the newly appointed teachers

'I wonder how many of them will survive.'


[Thanks for the 2 million views! I appreciate all of you guys and girls! Thanks for all the support!

Oh and I updated the auxiliary chapter with Ken's crew.]

Facts & Quotes:

- Cuddling Heals Wounds and Fights Depression

(Who wanna cuddle?)

- Night Rainbows Are Real. They're Called "Moonbows"

- Your Heartbeat Syncs Up With Your Partner's

- Forcing a Smile Actually Makes You Happier

- Sea Otters Hold Hands So They Don't Drift Apart


"I'll marry you! No matter what kind of sickness you have! Even if you can't walk or stand, or even when you can't have kids! I'll still marry you! No matter where or how I meet you, I'll fall in love with you. If I can meet you again, against the 6 billion to 1 odds, and even if your body can't move, I'll marry you."

- Hinata (Angel Beats)

"If you attack the Hidden Leaf, I'll have no choice; I will fight you, don't doubt that. Until that day, save your hatred. Then you can throw all of it right at me. I'm the only one who can handle all that hate! Do you understand? I'm the only one who can fulfill that duty, so I'll bear the burden of your hatred, and I'll die with you! Because you're my friend!"

- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)

"Right now, I'm afraid of losing you. Although my life hasn't been very fortunate until now, I'm glad if I caught your eye because of that misfortune. Because of that, I was able to fall for you. So we'll definitely do something, but I want to wait just a bit. So, right now, the last thing I can offer you... Is this starry sky."

- Hitagi Senjougahara (Bakemonogatari)