Chapter 163

I was walking towards my room while clenching my heart which is beating too fast. 'She is the only one that can make me feel this way. I should take her out on a date after I kill Big Mom. After all, it would be bad if she showed up in the middle of our date. But Kaido could also attack, or the World Government, do I really need to delay the date till I beat up everyone?'

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that I had already arrived at my room. I opened the door and walked into the familiar room. I jumped on my bed and every bad feeling I had before completely disappeared. 'Nothing beats lying in your own bed. After I am done with some business, I'll take a nap.'

I grabbed a Den Den Mushi from my drawer and dialed a number. I placed two of my fingers on my throat, doing my best to distort my voice.

"Is this Big News Morgans?"

"Who is asking?"

"Morgans, listen up! I have BIG NEWS! With this news alone, you won't have to put anything else into the newspapers."

"Big News? Let me hear it. You'll be paid handsomely if it is as good as you say. But if you're lying..."

"This is 100% real BIG NEWs, so listen up! Azure Ken is back in his castle!"


Morgans stayed quiet.


He suddenly started laughing like he heard the biggest joke in the world.

"You are so funny. There is no way that that bastard could escape from there. And even if he did, I would have been the first to know about it. Go away and stop wasting my time. I won't even take a joker like you seriously."

I took my fingers from my throat.

"Who did you call a bastard?"

It got dealy quiet on the other side of the line.

"If it isn't my best friend, Ken. How have you been doing? I heard that you had some problems recently."

"You think that you can talk your way out of this! Do you want me to come to you and show how hard this bastard can punch!"

"I'm really sorry, but you can forgive your best friend, right?"



I looked at the door, but before I could react, someone's forehead collided with mine.

"Argh, Luffy! What the hell is your forehead made of?"

He didn't say anything and hugged me with tears and boogers on his face.

"Sigh. Ey Morgans, just get the message across that I am back. I'll forget about what you said if you do it before tonight."

"B, but then I'll only have 5 hours left. That is impossible."

"You won't disappoint your best friend, right? I've got to go, goodbye."

I hanged up and looked at Luffy, who couldn't stop crying. Not knowing what to say, I just hugged him back till he had his full and let go.

"You know, everyone back home was crying when they called Sabo to ask if it was real. I have never heard Dadan like that. So please, don't get captured by old men again. But don't worry, once I become stronger I'll protect you from everyone like you always protected me. That's a promise from the future Pirate King!"

'I should give those guys back home a call later.'

I looked at Luffy, who is deadly serious, and couldn't help but laugh.

"What is so funny! You don't think that I can do it!"

"No, no, of course, I believe in you. But you just have such a funny face."

"What? He started touching his face like there was something wrong with it."

"Hahaha, well anyway, we will be having a huge banquet tonight, so you can eat as much as you want then. And I'll hold you on that promise."

His mouth immediately started watering.



5 hours later, the banquet was prepared, and the newspapers were out. The citizens and reporters were waiting to see if Azure Ken really is back. Most people didn't believe that Ken escaped because there hasn't been word about a big fight or anything like that. But the citizen held complete trust in Ken.

It was completely quiet, so the sudden footsteps could be clearly heard. The closer the footsteps were getting, the more hopeful the citizen became. When Ken finally stepped onto the balcony for everyone to see, the citizen immediately started cheering and shedding tears of joy. And the reporters' Den Den Mushi cameras were flashing every second.

"I am back, my lovely citizen."

The cheers immediately became 10 times as loud. Ken couldn't help but smile at this scene.

"There is no need for any speech, so let's immediately start the banquet before the food gets cold."

"MEAT!" screamed Luffy as he immediately dug in. The rest soon follow as Ken, and the Azure Pirates also joined the crowd below. Everyone had smiles on their faces as they filled their stomach and drunk till they blacked out.



"What is it, Streusen?" asked Big Mom, who has a wicked smile on her face as she looked at the newspaper.

"Kaido is coming here!"

"Huh? What does he want?"

"I don't know, but he has only brought along some sailors."

"Bring him here."

"What! But what if he attacks you?"

"Do you think that he is stronger than me?"

"Of course not!"

"Then hurry up!"

He nodded and immediately ran off.


10 minutes later, Kaido is standing in front of Big Mom, who is sitting on her throne.

"What did you come here for, Kaido? Do you think that you can defeat me now that I am alone?"

"I have no interest in you, and I would have never come here to see your ugly mug if that bastard hadn't gotten out alive."

"Don't tell me…"

"Let's become allies and crush the Azure Pirates."

"Why? Are you scared of some brat? This not like you at all, Kaido."

"That brat managed to escape from those old bastards after getting captured, and his crew annihilated yours. I'm not stupid enough to underestimate him just because he is a kid."

Big Mom suddenly let out a suffocating pressure. She stood up and grabbed Napoleon from her head.

"You want to die?"

"Do you have the strength?"

He grabbed his weapon and got ready to fight against Big Mom. The pressure that they were releasing started destroyed everything around them.

"I just came here to help you get revenge since I owe you one, but it seems like you're still too stubborn."

"Shut up!"

They ran towards each other, and their weapons clashed.


Streusen was far from the throne room, waiting for the fighting to stop, and when it finally did, he started slowly walking towards the throne room. He slowly opened the door that was barely holding on and looked shocked at Big Mom and Kaido laughing together as they were drinking barrels of sake.

'Is this the work of God?' thought Streusen.

"The Big Mom Pirates and the Beast Pirates have become allies!" screamed Big Mom and Kaido as they gulped down more sake.


[I'll put a picture of Celine here if I don't forget.]

Anime Quotes:

"Modern-day saints carry assault rifles, and spread the word of God with their bullets."

- Koko Hekmatyar (Jormungand)

"When you are miserable, you need something that is even more miserable than you to feel good about yourself."

- Lucy (Elfen Lied)

"If you're ever lost in the darkness, follow the compass in your heart."

- Kayo Senju (Black Bullet)