Chapter 201


Blackbeard punched the air in front of Deuce, creating cracks in the air. Before Deuce could dodge, he got sent flying while clutching onto his chest in pain.

"Sabo, get back!" screamed Ace. Sabo immediately jumped back, and Ace ran towards Blackbeard, appearing in front of him in an instant, but Blackbeard already swung his fist towards Ace. "God Fire" Ace suddenly disappeared from in front of Blackbeard, making the attack miss Ace. Ace appeared behind him and aimed his palm at Blackbeard.

"Hand of God!"

In an instant, Blackbeard got grabbed by a giant hand made out of fire that instantly incinerated his top clothes. He quickly used Haki to stop the flames from hurting him, which clearly wasn't stopping the flames completely as he was wincing in pain. And he can't use his Devil Fruit power absorption since that only works with his hands that he can't move right now.

Sabo immediately appeared in front of Blackbeard and stabbed his spear right through the flame hand and into Blackbeard's chest. However, when he tried to take it out, he noticed that it was stuck, and Blackbeard smiled.

"Dodge!" screamed Ace as he jumped away. Sabo also tried to jump away, but a spike made out of darkness went right through his left shoulder. Blackbeard immediately went on the attack and tried to punch Sabo, but Deuce appeared in between them, and Blackbeard's punch suddenly missed, passing by Deuce's head.

Blackbeard had a look of shock on his face, but he didn't have the time to worry about that as he got a lightning-infused punch in the gut. Deuce immediately followed it up with a lightning-infused heel to the face, sending his head into the ground.

"Lightning Zone."

Blackbeard immediately jumped back, expecting an attack, but nothing of the sort happened. All that changed was Deuce's eyes which now have lightning sparking inside of them. Deuce just entered the zone, where he ejects all unnecessary thought and only focuses on one thing, which in this case is taking down Blackbeard.

In an instant, Blackbeard got punched in the face, kicked in the gut, and kneed in the back. Blackbeard tried to stop him with his gravity, but Deuce was so fast that the gravity couldn't hold him back. Deuce appeared in front of him and punched him in the gut 20 times before disappearing and appearing behind him, kicking him in his side, sending Blackbeard flying.

But before he could fly too far, Deuce kicked him into the air. He then kicked him down again, and then up, left, right, down, up, right, left, down, up. Deuce's leg got enveloped in lightning, and in an instant, Blackbeard got kicked in the face and sent flying into the ground. Deuce landed on the ground and stopped his Lightning Zone. He looked at Blackbeard who has stopped moving.

"Damn, that was easier than I thought," said Sabo.

"Yeah, I thought that his absorption ability would be bad, but it seems like I was worried for nothing. You should teach me that zone thingy, Deuce."

"Don't let your guard down. While I was hitting him, I noticed that he didn't use Haki nor any of his devil fruits. He didn't even try to block my attacks," said Deuce

"You're just overthinking this. Let's just go and kill him before he wakes up," said Ace.

Deuce just sighed and nodded, but before they could move towards Blackbeard, a sudden pressure dropped down on them. This pressure easily rivaled that of their Captain, but it made them feel a type of fear that they've never felt before. The pressure that they were feeling was so malicious that it made them almost stop breathing from fear. Blackbeard stood up, but the look on his face was much more sinister than before. He made the three Azure Pirates take a step back.

"Kuhahaha! I've finally awoken again! After all these years of residing in this pitiful body, I've finally regained my freedom!"


Ken, Tani, and Kuzan were in a heated battle with the 4 Elders when all of them suddenly stopped and looked towards the other battlefield with serious expressions, especially the 4 Elders.

"Blackbeard's presence disappeared, but then one much more dangerous appeared. Ey four Elders, who's that? You guys seem to know."

"Tsk, this day just keeps getting worse. There is only one man who can release that kind of pressure, and he was killed almost 40 years ago," said the Elder with a bald head and long mustache.

"Do you know who the strongest person that died 40 years ago is, Kuzan?" asked Tani.

"There is one person that comes to mind. 38 years was when the God Valley incident happened. The Rocks Pirates was a crew consisting of Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, Shiki, John, and their captain Rocks D. Xebec. It took an alliance between Gol D. Rogers and Monkey D. Garp to kill Rocks D. Xebec. This incident has long been forgotten, but it's 100 percent true. If what they say is true, it can't be anyone other than Rocks D. Xebec," said Kuzan.

Tani looked completely baffled, but Ken remained calm.

"Since it has come to this, there is no other option," said Ken as he coated Shusui in Haoshoku Haki, releasing a pressure that rivaled the person that just arrived. "I'll take care of the old shits, and you guys go back to help the rest. I'll create an opening for you guys."

"But won't it be faster if we go at it together? And if it really is him, stalling is all that we can do," said Kuzan.

"Yeah, those guys can take care of themselves. And I would like having 'killing one of the 5 Elders' on my resume anyway," said Tani.

"Sigh, I guess it's decided then," said Ken as he ran towards the 4 Elders with Kuzan and Tani right behind him. Ken slashed at the bald and blond Elders, sending them flying. He quickly ran after them while Kuzan used his ice to trap the Elder wearing the hat. While Tani kicked the other Elder away. They wanted to finish this fight as fast as possible.


A gigantic person is sitting on a gigantic throne, while a being the size of a normal human was kneeling down in front of him.


"What is it?"

"My fallen brother that you have banished has found all the keys to open the gate. He is extremely close, and his power is far above anyone else in the world. "

"Impossible! The origin keys are supposed to be impossible to find. Especially that one part that doesn't even exist and has to be created, which is also practically impossible."

"I wouldn't have bothered you if I wasn't 100 percent sure, father. But if you would allow it, I'll head there immediately to finish the job myself."

"Are you crazy! If you go there, you'll destroy yourself and that world."

"But didn't you manage to do it before?"

"That was a 1 in a googol chance."

(Googol is the biggest number ever, if I'm correct.)

"But if we let him enter the gate, he'll regain all of his powers, and then I won't be able to stop him anymore."

"Do you think I'm just here for show? If he comes here, I'll take care of him myself."


"You're dismissed. Leave me alone."

The small figure wanted to say something but decided to stay still and leave the room.

'This is all your fault to begin with, father. Why did you have to send that person there, anyway?'



- McDonald's once made bubblegum-flavored broccoli.

- Some fungi create zombies, then control their minds.

- A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo".

- Scotland has 421 words for "snow".

- Samsung tests phone durability with a butt-shaped robot.

- The first alarm clock could only ring at 4 am.

- March 20th is known as Snowman Burning Day.

- An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged.

- The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world in their lifetime.

- The world record for stuffing drinking straws into your mouth at once is 650.