Chapter 204

"Welcome to my domain, Ken. Or should I say, Otherworlder!"

Ken looked stupified at Im.

'How the hell does he know that!? Is this some kind of illusion? There is no way that he would know about me being from another world, unless…'

"What are you talking about? How can I be from another world? That's impossible."

"Impossible, you say? 17 years ago, you appeared on Dawn Island and made your way to Foosha village. You told the mayor that you were traveling on a ship with your family but got stranded on that island after a heavy storm. However, that day there hasn't been a single storm in the East Blue, and there were no ships anywhere close to Dawn Island that day."

"What's that for bullshit. Are you telling me that you're able to see all the way to the East Blue and that out of everyone in the world, you were watching me? Stop with this nonsense and start telling me why you brought me here."

"So impatient. I've waited centuries for this moment, and you can't even let me finish talking. But the reason I was watching you is that you came out of a spatial disturbance created by a God, which is pretty hard to miss."

Ken froze.

"How do you-"

"There is nothing that I don't know off in this world and beyond."

"So what if I'm not from here? Why do you care so much? It's not like I got some overpowered powers that make me invincible from that God. To be honest, I don't know how I made it this far with my above-average talent. You should have no problem taking me down, so why aren't you?"

"It is very true that God hasn't given you anything. In fact, when you arrived in this world, you didn't possess the capability of ever learning Haki since your soul is vastly different from those of this world. But I'm disappointed that you call the powers and talent I've given you 'above-average' after it allowed you to take down any who stood before you in a mere 17 years," said Im with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"What!? You're the one that gave me the ability to use Haki!? That impossible! Don't think that I'll believe your ridiculous lies."

"Well then, let me unlock a part of your memories that I've locked away."

Im suddenly appeared in front of Ken and grabbed his head. Before Ken could do anything, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he fell unconscious.

"We'll finally be reunited, my little brother."



A sword and a spear collided and created a giant shockwave.

"Damnit, Ken! What are you doing!" screamed Sabo as he got pushed back by Ken's sword.

"Fire Kick!" screamed Ace as he appeared behind Ken and kicked towards his head. But Ken easily blocked the kick and returned one of his own that sent Ace flying. Ken moved his head to the left, effortlessly dodging a punch from Deuce. He quickly grabbed his arm and slammed Deuce on the ground. Ken immediately jumped back, dodging Sabo's spear.

"Get up, Deuce," said Sabo as he extended his hand to him. Deuce grabbed his hand and got up as Ace joined them.

"I got here a little late, but can you guys tell me what the hell is going on?" asked Deuce.

"We don't know. He got punched unconscious by that monster that surfaced from Blackbeard's body, so Ace tried to pick Ken up to bring him to you. But when he touched him, Ken unleashed his Haoshoku Haki, which sent us flying back. And now his eyes turned red with rings inside of them, and he is trying to kill us," said Sabo.

"So what I'm getting from this is that someone is controlling Ken. Because not only did his eyes and attitude change, so did his Haki. It's completely different. It's so holy that it feels as if I'm standing in front of an angel. There is definitely no way that the sadistic Ken I know could ever have that kind of aura," said Deuce.

"Then I guess we need to find the one who is controlling him," said Ace.

"There's no need. It's already obvious who it is. Xebec already went over there, and it looked like he wanted to fight him. So what we should do is get Ken under control and swoop in for the kill once one of them wins," said Sabo.

The three of them jumped into the air, dodging a sword slash from Ken.

"Easier said than done!" screamed Deuce as he held his hand up to the sky, which quickly turned cloudy. "Lightning Dragon!" Deuce swung his hand down, and a giant western dragon made out of lightning flew down towards Ken.


The Lightning Dragon collided with Ken, creating a giant lightning explosion and temporarily blinding everyone in Mary Geoise with the bright light. Deuce landed on the ground with a smirk.

"Even Ken shouldn't be able to take that without damage," said Deuce. However, just as he finished saying that, Ken shot out of the dust without a scratch. He appeared in front of Deuce and swung his sword towards his throat. Deuce tried to jump back, but Ken's swing was too fast to dodge.



Out of nowhere, two people appeared in front of Deuce and hit Ken square in the face, sending him sliding back, but he quickly got ahold of himself and back into a fighting position. Deuce looked at the two that helped him with a shocked expression.

"Luffy and Garp! What are you two doing here!?"

"Sigh, luckily we got here in time."

Deuce, Ace, and Sabo looked shocked at the people that appeared.

"Strawhats Pirates, Red hair Pirates, Kuja Pirates, Wano Samurais, and the Neptune Family! Why are all of you here?" asked Sabo.

"We're all in your guy's debt for teaching us, and we can't ignore it when Luffy's brother is in danger," said Zoro.

"We're just here to help our friends and have fun," said Shanks.

"It's only normal that allies would have each other's back," said Boa Hancock.

"Wano owes the Azure Pirates a great debt that we could only repay with our lives," said Momoshiki.

"We had not much choice with Shirahoshi crying at home. But I guess we're also great friends, Hoh hoh hoh hoh," laughed Neptune.

"I guess we can't say no to help in this situation," said Laffitte, who arrived with the rest of the crew behind him.

"Where did the Blackbeard Pirates go?" asked Ace.

"They went after their Captain, and we didn't see a need to follow them."

"Alright, we didn't need any help, but we won't say no to it. Just make sure not to kill him," said Sabo as he hardened his spear with Haki. The rest also casually got ready to attack. The Red-Haired pirates didn't even bother to reach for their weapons, thinking it would be easy with so many strong people. Even Usopp looked confident.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Everyone was taken aback when Ken suddenly fell down on his knees and started screaming. After a couple of seconds, his head slumped down, and he stopped screaming. He looked back up with his own azure eyes.

"You fools. Don't try to fight me. Run and don't come back here! I've already lost. You won't be able to save me anymore, and I will soon die. So go back and spare me the pain of killing any of yo- AAAAAHHHH!" Ken grabbed his head and started screaming again. His eyes turned red again with rings. He stood back up and released a pressure that made even shanks unconsciously grab his sword.

"The Ken you knew is dead. Get ready to follow him."


(Yo guys, I hope all of you've been doing well. Motivation is low, so I don't know when I'll release the next chapter. Which sucks since I already know how I want to end the story and have what I think are amazing ideas. Sigh, motivation is such a bitch.)

[Special thanks to 02_is_best_waifu and everyone else who's been supporting this story. I promise to all of you that I'll finish this book, even if it take me fifty years!]

Anime Quotes:

"Simplicity is the easiest path to true beauty."

- Seishuu Handa (Barakamon)

"Don't be so quick to throw away your life. No matter how disgraceful or embarrassing it may be, you need to keep struggling to find your way out until the very end."

- Clare (Claymore)

"It doesn't do any good to pretend you can't see what's going on."

- Yuuya Mochizuki (Another)

"To act is not necessarily compassion. True compassion sometimes comes from inaction."

- Hinata Miyake (A Place Further than the Universe)

"Reject common sense to make the impossible possible."

- Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)