
A drowning car, sinking to reach the lake's bottom. Trapped inside with my lungs being crushed by the depths of these empty waters.

Feels familiar.

Screaming out for help, but my cries only make out bubbles.  Swaying my head in all directions of this sinking car to find a way out.

All my personal belongings floating in front of me as I swim past them to the drivers window.

I punch at the glass hoping it breaks. Cracking my knuckles at every strike to the tamper glass.

I get so desperate that I try scratching the glass in an effort to pull the window down at it's weaker point.

I can feel the empty waters crushing my lung's capacity for air. All things around me falls blurry.

I'm drowing in a car sinking to the lake's depth. I don't want to die like this, someone please HELP!


A sinking car to lower a depth.

Brake line snapped,

Drowning into a slow death.

Crying out for air,

Breathe, Breathe,  BREATHE!

Drowning death is such a scar.

I need air, I need to BREATHE,

The crushing waters are easily pulling me to death. A fact so harder to deceive."

                                               _ Lungs