Becoming a Dragon

"It is quite simple," Lan said with a chuckle. "Above the Warrior ranks are the Knight ranks. Ordinary Knight, Earth Knight, Sky Knight, and Heavenly Knight."

"After Knights come Saints. Ordinary Saint, Earth Saint, Sky Saint, and Heavenly Saint."

"And after Saints?" Xue Wei held his breath as he asked, but Lan just laughed. "After Saints? Who knows. Heavenly Saints are as rare as ice in the desert, and to reach even above the Heavenly Saint rank is simply not something that people have been able to achieve in millennia. It is all legends about what is above."

"What is your rank then?" Xue Wei asked another question that had confused him for some time. To think that not even his attacks could cause dust to appear on his clothes; he had to be magnificent.

"What rank do you think I am at?" Lan answered the question with yet another question and smiled slightly.