
The Fierce Beast crawled away from Xue Wei until it reached the formation wall and could get no farther. As it felt the Mind Infestation reach out for its mind, it had the choice to struggle, but instead it instantly allowed Xue Wei to access its mind.

Xue Wei went through the beast’s memories. It had been in a beast horde roused by a Primordial Beast and had been severely injured but not killed.

When the fight had ended, they had taken it prisoner and kept it in a cage until it was healed, after which it had fought against other experts in the Genius Camp.

This beast had an average level of intelligence, but it had no reason to fear Xue Wei – it was as if there was a deeply ingrained instinct within it that told it that Xue Wei was someone that should not be touched.

Xue Wei sighed. His more calm side could sense the suffering the beast had gone through time and time again while being captive. Thus, he decided to put it out of its misery.