
Xue Wei sighed. He was not sure he would be a benefit to this group of people. In fact, he was certain that when a fight breaks out, their group will become one of the most troubled ones in the entire battalion.

Still, he understood that it was important to have a cordial relationship with these people, and thus he gave a quick introduction of himself.

"Pleased to meet you all. I am Xue Wei, the nephew of Primordial Beast Hunter Xiao Lei. I am a fourth layer Earth Warrior."

He had nothing else to say, but he could see that his group had many things they wanted to ask him.

Tie Haolong laughed in a friendly way when he saw that Xue Wei had introduced himself, feeling a little relieved. Xue Wei was legendary for not wanting to get to know anyone, so just the fact that he had introduced himself was already a great accomplishment.