Sparring against He Ji

He Ji was surprised at the sight of the Qi sword, but he did not hesitate and lifted the sword high into the air before slashing down at Xue Wei with around seventy percent of his power.

He dared not use his full power from the start in case he might end up severely injuring Xue Wei, but another part of him wished to see whether or not this young outsider was truly as magnificent as he claimed.

Xue Wei's eyes narrowed. He could sense that this He Ji was not going all out, but even so the strength of this young man from the He family was no joking matter. This was a true ninth layer Earth Warrior.

There was no doubt that Xue Wei could defeat him if he relied on his Mind Infestation, but he also understood that this would be a very tight battle without having access to Forbidden Rush and Mind Infestation.

The Qi sword in his hands swung out and met He Ji’s descending sword stroke. A loud ‘clang’ resounded in the sparring field as the two weapons collided against one another.