
The trip back to the inn was short, and they had proceeded with much caution, but nothing happened.

Still, they did not relax even once up until they were in their room, heaving a sigh of relief once inside.

They checked the entire room over, the window and door included, for any unwanted presences a second time just to be sure. Afterwards, they sat down on the floor in the middle of the room and looked at one another. Grins could be seen on both faces.

Xue Wei quickly handed over the stuff he had salvaged in his fight to Hei Gou for safekeeping. Usually, Xue Wei would carry their valuables, but since he was participating in the tournament, it was not convenient to bring it with him, so giving it to Hei Gou was the best option.

Then he took out a few herbs that he had taken from the experts without storage treasures and placed them on the floor between them. He recognized three out of five herbs and was surprised.