
Xue Wei was puzzled at first, but he quickly concluded that these experts must be the ones sent by the Celestial Dog Clan to kill Hei Gou.

They were Primordial Beasts. This was apparent when one looked first at Wang Xiaoyun, then at Hei Gou.

Hei Gou had amusement written all over his face, while Wang Xiaoyun’s face was as stormy as thunderclouds with her brows deeply furrowed. Her one healthy eye looked ready to shoot flames, if it were at all possible.

"Hey, Gou, do you know them?" Xue Wei asked Hei Gou curiously. He was not too worried; their numbers were equal.

Wang Xiaoyun was a fourth layer Heavenly Warrior and a Wayfarer to boot, so she was the strongest person in their group.

Hei Gou was no longer the same as the old him when he was still with his family, now possessing Heavenly Warrior-level strength as well as the aftereffects of his mutation from a pair of wings to a higher level of purity.