Azure Dragon Spirit

Xue Wei was not the only one to be brutal and domineering to his enemies. Wang Xiaoyun was like a graceful breeze that swept through the mob of Primordial Beasts, causing fountains of blood to bloom everywhere she passed and leaving many of them severely wounded.

Hei Gou also threw himself into the fray. He felt no remorse battling Primordial Beasts. In fact, he felt great joy being able to fight other beasts, if only to test his strength.

Their objective was not simply to stall for time – it was best to end the trail cleanly to avoid attracting further variables.

But they were outnumbered ten to three. Even though they had overwhelming strength and held the upper hand, it was impossible to completely curb the chances of someone escaping.

So far, four experts had lost their lives, and six had received injuries of various degrees.