Golden Crow City

"It was a pleasure to travel with you," Wan Qiang said with a great smile on his face.

Wan Qiang was indeed the one who had enjoyed traveling with Xue Wei and the others. He had asked many questions, tried to get closer to both Xue Wei and all his friends, and he had tried to pry into their past with casual conversation.

Xue Wei and the others had stayed on high alert from the very start and divulged very little to Wan Qiang. They chose their words very carefully, as they realized that Wan Qiang was the type to catch even the tiniest hint.

He was trying to find out the backgrounds of Bai Tianyi and Wang Xiaoyun. his interest in Xue Wei and Hei Gou was almost non-existent, which made Xue Wei frown. He was convinced the man knew who he was.

When Wang Xiaoyun accidentally called Xue Wei by his real name, Wan Qiang showed no surprise or confusion. He just smiled slightly. At the end, Xue Wei was completely convinced that the elder knew of him. But why would he assist him, then?