A Slaughter

Xue Wei glanced down at every member of the Genius Camp. He scanned them with disinterest. Executing everyone here would be as simple as killing chickens, but he was not interested in doing so.

Although he was here to avenge Tie Haolong, he had no intention of venting his rage on civilians or people who had no part in the events of that day.

After seeing their commander die such a swift death, the experts that had planned to rush into the air to assist him sobered up and understood that they were not his match.

Xue Wei used his spiritual energy to scan the area. A few people seemed familiar; some of them had been the loudest voices when he was condemned.

Inner Might: Qi Arrow Style!

Arrows made from Qi appeared on his hands and with a simple gesture. They shot at the experts that were hiding. They were the ones who did not expect Xue Wei to snuff them out so cleanly, and thus they never managed to even let out a scream before the arrows struck them.