Killing Old Man Bai

During this time, Xue Wei was cultivating casually without fearing about Old Man Bai appearing and causing problems for him.

At the same time, Murong Jing did not go home. Instead, he went towards another mansion in Treasure City, the family mansion of the Tang family.

The Tang family were not as highly ranked as the Murong family. However, they were not to be belittled as they also had an Earth Saint amongst their ranks.

Two Earth Saints against one single Ordinary Saint, this should be a line up which could not be defeated.

When Murong Jing made it to the Tang Mansion, the guards respectfully saluted him, before one of them led him towards the central hall of the family.

At this central hall, the entire family's higher-ups had gathered, all of them discussing something rather important.

As a family leader himself, Murong Jing was capable of guessing that the subject they were talking about was Xue Wei and the two-colored rainbow pills.