Gu Yan

"We were lucky," Xue Wei merely answered with a smile on his lips. He did not feel that they should be too close to this other group of experts.

The group consisted of a full twelve experts, all of which were Heavenly Knights and there was even an Ordinary Saint. The Ordinary Saint was the one who had spoken, clearly the leader of the group.

"Luck is indeed a factor," the leader said, "but it is not enough to allow someone to venture this far into the Thunder Graveyard."

"Thunder Graveyard?" Xue Wei asked puzzled, and the leader looked at him with surprise and shock. "You do not know where this is?" he asked.

His question made Xue Wei shake his head, "We do not know," he said honestly. "We were told this was the most rewarding place in the entire Thunder Twilight Zone and thus came here, but so far we have found nothing of value, and instead we have been put in life-threatening danger time and time again."