Scarlet Bee Honey

The big snow-like wolf howled in despair and unwillingness as it became slower and slower.

Its legs started trembling, and the hind legs began giving in. The wolf was unable to put up much more of a fight, but no one dared to lay their guards down.

Zhang Moyun rushed to the wolf's side. His sword flashed, and a new trail of blood followed.

The sword attack landed on the same wound that he had created before; this time, the wolf was split into two.

Blood rained down, and the Chang'an people cheered out loud. Even Xue Wei smiled slightly and approved of the way that Zhang Moyun had dealt with the wolf.

"The Scorching Flame Daisy belongs to Zhang Moyun; the rest of you can share the snow-white wolf. Liu Jingshen gets the beast core."

Xue Wei quickly gave the items out to who deserved what and no one complained. The Scorching Flame Daisy was the herb that the snow-white wolf had been protecting.