The Price in Blood

The day began early in the morning with Xue Wei opening his eyes as he exhaled a stale breath of air.

He was seated cross legged on top of the bed, his arms resting in his lap, a spiritual herb in each hand.

By his side, right next to him, was the Luan Bird hatchling. It was gobbling down a spiritual fruit.

The Luan bird was much stronger now than it had been when it hatched, the resources that Xue Wei had given it had not been wasted and while it was still smaller than the other Luan birds, it was often causing them to tremble when it looked at them.

The bloodline was pure and the elemental affinities were far too many.

It was enough to cause the others to tremble in fear. Xue Wei had also fed the bird some of his blood, but being an ancient beast there had not been any visible changes.

The bird was quite keen on the taste of the blood however, but it knew better than trying to take it for itself.