Feeling Guilty

"What has happened here?" He asked, slightly puzzled as he looked at the dead guards on the floor.

"You owe me an explanation," Xue Wei said, his voice ice cold and full of enmity.

The surrounding people were all stunned to see the young man speak like this to the Emperor. He was far too presumptious; it was not a good thing to talk like this.

But contrary to their expectations, the Emperor was not angry. Instead, he just furrowed his brows.

"Explain," he said as he looked at a guard by his side.

The guard finally understood that they had done something wrong, and he was trembling, his teeth clattering as he tried speaking.

"It was the Empress. She bestowed an Empress' Edict on my companion," Xue Wei said, his voice still detached and full of coldness. "She is forcing my companion into marrying the First Prince and locked us all under house arrest.