The War Intesifies

"The war intensified?" Xue Wei frowned, feeling it was weird. "Has it not been stable for years, and only comprised of small skirmishes? Why did it suddenly change like this?"

"Well..." Hei Gou looked at Xue Wei before he shook his head and sighed. "It is indirectly your fault."

"My fault?" Xue Wei was surprised and quite shocked. Had he done nothing, he thought? Hadn't he been entirely focused on cultivating?

Seeing him being so perplexed, Bai Tianyi shook his head and smiled. "The enemy has gotten intel that the Demon Phoenix Continent's generals have increased their strength. They now think that the Vermilion Birds has some treasure that can mutate a Primordial Beast, and their greed has surpassed their rationality."

"I see." Xue Wei nodded his head. It seemed that he was the reason for the war flaring up.