No Comparison

The more Lan traveled with Xue Wei, the more puzzled he became. Although he had a lot of prejudice towards him, he had found that it was actually not true.

While Xue Wei was indeed very talented, he was also unfortunate. He had experienced many things which would break any average person, but he had persevered.

While he was talented, he did not get anything easily. He had to fight for everything he had, and he always had to walk forward, or he would have been killed long ago by the men in the Chang'an Continent.

Li Zhiqing might not have been very talented, but she had been lucky. Not only had she found the lake, and later met Lan, but she had also been happy and content with life.

Xue Wei could not be together with the woman he loved, he could not slow down, or he would get defeated by all the other geniuses. The stress he was under was something that Li Zhiqing never had to experience.