
Xue Wei could feel Luoluo's energy and excitement, and his lips curled into a smile. While he felt slightly exhausted after the battle with the Monarch Piranha Flower and later with the poison incident, he was not against pushing himself to his limits so that he could improve.

It was not only him who was exhausted; the Monarch Piranha Flower had clearly used up all its extra energy to launch those attacks..

Xue Wei was aware that it would take some time for the flower to launch another attack, but he could never rest on his laurels, at any moment when he was pushed to the breaking point, the flower could initiate another attack, and cause him to suffer.

As such, he had to know what his limits were, and the only way to figure it out was by trying to push himself. This was a dance with death, as the slightest mistake could end up being his demise, and the Monarch Piranha Flower would take over his body.