Did Lan’s Personality Change?

Although Xue Wei did not know much about this specific area, he could easily guess that there were certain restrictions that made it hard for ghosts such as Mo Lian and the branch leader to enter.

From what Mo Lian said, it was a place that could allow new ghosts to gain strength rapidly, but the risks were imaginable.

Before reaching any conclusions, Xue Wei looked at the two ghosts to explain the details of the area, and after a bit of hesitation, Mo Lian began to explain.

"The area is gruesome, even when compared to the usual cruelty of the Ghost Realm. The regulations make it so that only those who have been within the Ghost Realm for less than fifty years can enter; anyone else will be automatically rejected.

"This also means that it is purely age that determines if one can enter, so the difference in strength among those that live within is very different.