Xue Wei descended into the familiar feeling of nothingness. His senses were cut off, and he would not be able to know what happened around him. Even if a great beast appeared and roared by his side, he would not notice, unless it began tossing him around. It would not be enough if it just touched him.
Xue Wei felt various contradicting emotions at the same time. His soul was light as a feather and seemed to float around his body, but at the same time, something heavy was grounding him.
The world surrounding him was a constant change of black and white colors, but none of them were sharp enough to cause any discomfort.
Time passed slowly, and the white color began to slowly lose the struggle against the black, but the darkness that began to surround Xue Wei was not unpleasant.
The feeling he experienced was similar to that of a small hatchling hiding within an egg. There was a shell of protection around him; he felt serene, and an innocent happiness was bubbling within him.