Merging Two Worlds

"Where do we go from here?" Lin Xiao looked at the vast expanse of flat ground that stretched in front of them. Although it seemed peaceful and without danger, they all knew that it was full of creatures beneath the ground or hiding themselves from sight.

These beasts would, in normal situations, not pose much of a threat to their group, as Xue Wei had an overpowering Sovereign Beast Aura, but their previous encounter had already made it clear that in the No Man's Land, this aura was useless.

For now, all of them had to depend on one another to survive, and even the slightest mistake might lead to their demise.

"From what we have seen so far there are not only hordes of scorpions in this area, there is also some sort of overlord. This overlord is likely to be much more dangerous than the other beasts since it is able to petrify them and make them lose their ability to fight back while being consumed.