Sovereign Beast Aura

Xue Wei and the others looked around the meadow that stretched in front of them, as they stepped outside the forest. There did not seem to be anyone else than themselves here for now, so they did not rush to advance.

Their trial had been to reach a certain mountain range that could be seen in the distance, and only the first part of the trial had been successfully accomplished.

The forest had not been a test for their ability to fight, but merely to check whether or not they were vigilant, and also their ability to remain vigilant throughout the entire journey.

"As far as I can see, there is only a meadow and a lake in front of us, before we reach the mountain in front. The trial is to reach the mountain top, so I would assume that there is another three sub-trials to complete.

"The first trial focused on our vigilance, but I am not sure what the other three is about. One of them ought to focus on actual combat ability."