Baixue Peak

Xue Wei had not been familiar with many sects throughout his many journeys, but even the few he had encountered were very different from this White Tiger Sect.

The picturesque surroundings made the stressful minds feel at ease, making it much easier for the disciples to feel closer to nature, and empty their minds, resulting in more beneficial cultivation.

Many factions were filled with inner intrigues and many would be rivals or enemies, but the atmosphere within this sect was friendly and gentle. Although Xue Wei did not believe that there was no internal strife at all, he believed that it was much less than what he had encountered before.

The various mountain peaks were all adorned with towering pagodas and floating pavilions. Buildings of various kinds were side, moving from the top of the mountain to the bottom below.

Every peak was the same picture; peaceful and energetic. Young disciples were moving about; chattering laughter resounded in the air.