The Longinus Show.

Longinus's Kenbunshoku Haki was quickly able to overhear the discussion around him.

The cause of the incident was ridiculous, to say the least, simply because the little loli who was being held down by the strong man hoped to sell a few flowers, who mistakenly managed to find a buyer. After being believed by the young man who looked like a nobleman who thought the little girl was polluting his sight, he immediately ordered the squire to poison her to teach the little girl a lesson.

The strong man then rushed out from the crowd to shield the little girl, who, for some unknown reason, didn't even dare to have any resistance and could only silently allow those noble followers to beat him up.

It's cruel, but... it's also realistic, in the world of One Piece, human life is like grass, and if you don't want to become like a piece of dust, you have to have yourself controlling the power to speak in this world!

Hearing the arrogant words of the young aristocrat, the surrounding crowd also showed hesitation. However, considering that the marine patrol should be arriving soon, they still held back their urges and waited for the moment when the young aristocrat would be destroyed.

Of course, the "whispers" of despising and disapproval are still inevitable. After all, not many ordinary people would like this kind of young aristocrats' behavior.

"Lass-sama, we seem to have encountered a stubborn target, this guy is frighteningly strong, and our punches and kicks can't do much to harm him effectually."

The servant who looked like a steward leaned over to Lass and whispered with a hint of fear in his tone, "In case this guy gets violent and injures someone, we are fine, but if he injures you, Lass-sama, then we will be committing a great sin."

Also, from the words of the crowd around them, they had a general idea of what would happen if they made trouble here, so they didn't dare to do anything further.

"What did you say?" Lass grabbed the butler's collar and angrily questioned, "What the hell are you losers afraid? That guy doesn't even dare to resist, go and strike him, kill him for me!"

"Pfft! Are these guys here for a joke?"

"Haha! It's the first time I've ever seen someone beat a guy to the point where he's afraid to do it."

"Guess he's from some small country full of shitty nobles stuck on the outside."

Lass listened to the "whispers" of the people around him and felt that his identity as a "Lower Realm Celestial Dragon" had been much insulted and coupled with the island's series of misfortunes, he finally exploded his anger completely.

Anger arises from the heart. Evil grows from the guts.

"If you're so keen on protecting this slut who assaulted the nobility, then you'll be the one to die in her place!" Lass drew his musket and pointed its pitch-black hole at the big man's back.

"Ah! He's going to kill someone!" The surrounding crowd also started rioting at once, not expecting this grease-faced looking aristocrat to dare to kill someone at the marine base. Did he think of himself as a Celestial Dragon?

The strong man who had the little girl under his protection was also horrified to hear the crowd's screams around him.

If he was facing the enemy directly, he was sure he could split the trajectory of the bullet with the sword behind him. Still, the problem was that he had no way of predicting it with his back against the enemy now, and once he dodged, the little girl beneath him would die.

Longinus on the inn had narrowed his eyes. With his strength, he was perfectly capable of neutralizing that idiot nobleman before he could shoot him, but... since he had made up his mind to join the marine perfectly, why not capitalize on this opportunity?


Lass didn't hesitate for long, not even a tremor in his trigger finger, shooting a lowlife who rebelled against him was merely execution, and this kind of gruesome death only made his blood more and more pumped.

However, Lass's fierce face was soon frozen in place as a young boy with a youthful look, and hard eyes stood in front of the big man and grabbed the bullet, with blood flowing out between his fingers and dripping down to the ground.

Lass stared unbelievingly, although the guy in front of him seemed to have been shot through his hand's palm, it was an actual block of the impact. He knew some monsters could dodge bullets, but catching them with flesh and blood was the first time he'd seen it!

The crowd instantly calmed down, even in the Marine base where there are so many strong men, this kind of powerful scene was rare, moreover, with flesh and blood to protect the "weak" behind them, it gave them an emotional touch.

Longinus released his fist without changing his face, the metal shell casings stained with blood falling to the ground with a clear sound, and without looking at the confused Lass properly, he turned and asked.

"Why not resist? With your strength, it should be easy enough to deal with these perpetrators."

The strong man raised his head, revealing his ugly and horrifying face, and the surrounding crowd was even frightened enough to take a few steps back in unison. In contrast, the strong man seemed to be already used to it, and only said with a slight inferiority complex to himself and dreamy: "Because I want to become a marine!"

Although the statement was nonsensical, Longinus understood instantly that the ugly man was worried that if a fight broke out, he would be treated as a troublemaker like that nobleman and thus disqualified from joining the marine.

"There is nothing wrong with what you think, but perceived weakness only breeds more violence, and the justice that the Marines defend is never exchanged for compromises and gives in." Longinus didn't show any signs of being strange to a man with a gentle smile regarding a face that was a horror movie standard.

"Aren't you...aren't you afraid of me?" The ugly man was startled and shocked out of his mouth.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Longinus shook his head and smiled, "You have a more pure and magnificent soul than anyone else!"

The ignored Lass woke up from his dazed moment and, under the combined pressure of humiliation and fear, grimly pulled the trigger again, "You bastard, I'll see how many bullets you can stop!"

The moment Lass's fingers touched, Longinus pulled out his gun at breakneck speed, the target locked by Kenbunshoku Haki. There was no time to aim at such a short distance. The bullet coming out from the gun's bolt was the first to strike and shot into the barrel when Lass pressed the trigger.


The gun barrels exploded and burst into flames, and one twisted arm fell from mid-air to the ground, followed by the pig-killing screams of Lass.

The flash fire's happenings were so intense that the crowd around them fell silent as if frozen in time and space, their mouths wide open in a confused and distracted state.

And the ugly man that touched inside opened his eyes, the right hand that held the sword's hilt was frozen behind his back, and a hint of admiration appeared in his eyes as he looked at Longinus, then he asked with some worry, "Is it okay to do this...?"

Longinus said innocently, "I just jammed his cylinder with a bullet. He pulled the trigger himself, what does it matter to me now that he had a broken hand?"

Published in Qidian, February 17, 2019