Ensign Longinus


A sequence of high-pitched screams suddenly shattered the peaceful and calming atmosphere of the town.

"No, it's the Giant Axe Pirates coming!"

"They must have come for revenge!"

"Don't panic, there's still a marine presence on the island, these pirates won't be arrogant for long!"

A group of vicious pirates occupied the largest square in the city. They surrounded and imprisoned the inhabitants in the middle of the square who could not escape in time. They are now gathering together in a huddle to stay alive in fear and misery.

"Where are those marines, release our captain, or don't blame us for killing all these hostages behind us!" A scar-faced pirate threatened in a stern voice.

"If you want to die, go ahead and try!"

"Who, who's there?" The scar-faced pirate turned around with an angry look on his face and saw a marine officer dressed in a justice coat leading a group of marine soldiers coming from the distance.

"Well? A Marine brat, did you say that?" The scarred face smiled fiercely, the scars crossing his face looking more and more horrifying.

At that moment, the pirate who was following him was trembling with fear and stepped forward and said, "Vice-Captain, it's him, he's the one who captured the captain!"

"What? This kid?" Scarface asked unbelievingly, then remembered something, the violence in his eyes gradually changing to horror. "Wait, is he the rising star the Marine has been so proud of that not a single pirate has been able to escape from him in two years, the Longinus known as the Light of the Marine?"

"Yes...yes, that's him!"

"Are you planning to save the Giant Axe Locke? I can hand him over to you, but only if you keep those populace safe." Longinus stepped slowly towards the other man without missing a beat.

"Stop! Stop right there!" Seeing Longinus closing in, Scarface screamed as if he were some little bitch backed into a corner by a burly man, "Don't come near me, stay away from me!"

Not to mention Longinus and those marines behind him, even the people watching from afar had an ironic feeling, was this guy the cruel and oppressive pirate from before?

"It's amazingly powerful. Ensign Longinus is so powerful that his might can make brutal pirates fear him to such an extent!" The townspeople who saw this scene had their hearts racing.

"Of course, Ensign Longinus is a marine hero, whether it's just rescuing a hijacked passenger ship, purging the surrounding seas of evil pirates, or even participating in pacifying the country's conflict of war, all of which he has done in just two years." Although Longinus was not based permanently on the island, the island's people still spoke of him with a sense of pride.

Hearing the surrounding people's admiration for Longinus and they despise for himself, the scar-faced pirate also finally recovered from his fear and said in annoyance: "Longinus, you'd better be sensible and release the captain quickly, otherwise don't blame me for killing him, don't forget that there are hostages in my hands. A self-proclaimed righteous marine like you shouldn't be able to sit back and watch these people die in my hands!"

"I've sent men to bring up the Giant Axe Locke from prison, but you also remember that if any damage is done to those behind you, I will chase you even to the end of the Grand Line, and I will surely throw you to the deepest depths of Impel Down so that you will know that death is but a wish!"

Hearing Longinus talk about all pirates' nightmares, Scarface couldn't help but tremble for a moment, shaking his body and saying, "You... you hurry up, don't... don't play any tricks!"

Time passed bit by bit, and Scarface couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. It was apparent that he was the one with the upper hand. Why couldn't his hands and feet stop trembling?

Here, Scarface cursed in his mind, "Those damn idiots, if I had been told that it was Holy Light Longinus who captured that guy, I would have been kicked in the head before I came to save him!"

"Ensign Longinus, we have brought the Giant Axe Locke!" A group of marine soldiers escorting a monster with a height of nearly five meters approached. However, that colossal Giant Axe captain did not make any small movements, serenely walking like an annoyed little wife, the moment he saw Longinus even couldn't help but physically shudder as if he recalled some terrible past events.

"Get over there. Your crew is here to rescue you." Longinus said casually.

"Huh?" Giant Axe Locke looked terrified and couldn't stop stepping back, "It's none of my business. I didn't let them save me. Ensign-sama, you have to believe me!"

Seeing the small giant-like brutal pirate captain say such complaining and spineless words, not to mention the giant axe pirate crew, even the ordinary inhabitants all had feeling breaking apart.

"Captain, don't be afraid, I have a hostage, and even if the other party is Holy Light Longinus, he would never dare to do anything to you!" Scarface cursed in his heart, but his face had to act like he was loyal.

"Idiot Bart, I already knew you wanted to harm me. I didn't think you would still not give up by now, get out of my way, don't stop me from going to Impel Down for some labor rehabilitation." Giant Axe Locke snapped at his men with an angry face. Those who didn't know would only think that Impel Down was some treasure hiding place.

Scarface only felt his mind numb, but he knew that his captain was no good at all, to the extent that he would even prefer to go to the Impel Down that all pirates avoided instead of fleeing, it showed how much Locke feared that Longinus.

The crew of the Giant Axe Pirates was also agitated. What is this, the captain they had worked so hard to rescue is not willing to leave, what kind the fuck is going on?

"Shut the fuck up, all of you!" Scarface first went crazy with rage and roared at the back of his body before saying to Locke with a face of resignation, "Since you idiot doesn't dare to run away, then that's fine, at worst I'll be the captain of this ship, but before you go, tell me where that treasure map is hidden. Otherwise, I definitely won't let up today!"

The marine and inhabitants behind Longinus had surprised themselves. That's right!

How could these brutal Pirates miss a failed boss? At least they couldn't see that the cowering Giant Axe Locke had any courage worthy of his men's pledge to follow him.

The giant axe pirate crew once again agitated. They had nothing to think of their own. They thought the vice-captain was "righteous" and "heroic", never felt that he had such a despicable plan.

Scarface's face was so grim. He had planned to wait until he got the treasure and then throw that idiot captain out to appease the marine's wrath so that he could gain both fame and fortune and even become a famous sea pirate in one move in this sea.

The only thing he had miscalculated in this well-planned arrangement was a legendary marine, the one that made the idiot captain afraid even to run away!

Published in Qidian, February 19, 2019