Felix: Where is the Summit Deal?

Hearing what Felix said, those royal nobles also couldn't help but take a deep breath, this kind of sea pirates that came back from New World were monsters one by one.

Facing the weak can invoke the fear in their hearts to achieve a grim and immediate death effect, and facing the strong can amplify the fear in their hearts to increase and strengthen their strength.

This bugs ordinary ability was utterly different from the ones they recalled from the world.

However, more people were shocked at how powerful Longinus was, forcing a sea pirate-like Felix to place himself on the weaker side actively. No wonder even Commodore Adkin bluntly stated that he was no match for Ensign Longinus either.

"Longinus, you are arguably one of the strongest men I have encountered on the first half of the Grand Line, and as a sign of my respect, I will slay you with the utmost strength!" Felix only felt his blood surging in his heart as if he recalled the one who had chosen to go to sea for the risks.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but your fate can only be to atone for the first half of your life in the Impel Down!" Longinus' extreme control of his body allowed him to quickly step on the ground dozens of times in a brief period, using the "Soru" in Rokushiki to the extreme speed, appearing in front of Felix instantly.

"This again?" A fierce smile appeared on Felix's pale face, surprisingly, he instantly wrapped his body around with black mist, and the floating black smoke condensed into substantial spikes. As if he was preparing to exchange wounds for wounds with Longinus, shaking a maniacal laugh with M, "Come on, let me feel your might, let me tremble under your might!"

Felix thought, while he couldn't match his opponent in terms of speed, he could reach his opponent in terms of taking a beating, and he could deepen his fear with each injury anyway, and then turn that fear into a constant stream of power.

In short, you pull your opponent down to the same level and then beat him with a vast experience of getting hit.

However, Felix's perverted smile quickly froze on his face, as Longinus had already locked Kairoseki handcuffs on his wrists. His speed and reaction was already no match for his opponent, plus he had been thinking of being beaten passively, surprisingly, he was a prisoner of his class without even being able to react.

Without grasping the Kenbunshoku Haki, the ability is quite vulnerable against an agile opponent, as the enemy doesn't need to attack that powerfully at all. As long as they seize the opportunity to touch the Kairoski with the ability as Longinus did, they can quickly and cleanly end the fight.

Of course, it's not like the average person would carry the Kairoseki handcuffs around with them as Longinus did.

Felix was silent for a moment, but a look of sorrow and anger appeared on his face, like a young girl who had been cheated by her best friend who had become stained or tricked by scum, "How could you... how could you cheat during the promised summit duel!"

"Idiot, who told you it was a deal, it's completely wishful thinking on your part." Longinus' mouth twitched, already hopeless about the average intelligence of the pirate world.

The surrounding royalty, and even the marines and the pirates, were too stunned to react, we have dropped our pants, and you're showing me this?

They thought what was to follow would be an epic battle that would be spectacular, even enough to go down in the history books.

Unfortunately, they guessed the beginning but not the end, and it was indeed an example of a teaching that should go down in history. At the same time, Felix served as antithesis material that could teach other pirates the lesson that ability fighters must stay awake and never fall into a state of high ego.

"So the captain is an idiot, is he? As an ability user, you have no idea how to guard against the enemy's Kairoseki attack carefully!" The pirates who had followed Felix had cursed in their hearts and had retreated to the rear without thinking, only expecting the marines to react later.

However, the Marine with two years of experience in supporting behind Longinus, naturally could not miss this opportunity to "take advantage of the fire", after discovering the small movements of the pirates to surround them quickly.

"Is that the end of it? Is this the great sea pirate that Father had all his hopes for?" Cobra only found it very ironic and was thankful for Felix's betrayal, or else the more profound catastrophe that awaited them now would have been taken by some successor who was supposed to take all the blame for their misfortune.

"Kidding... just kidding, right? That's an 80 million berries bounty on the sea pirates, how could they be taken down so easily by a marine captain, I must be hallucinating from the stress, yes, that must be it!" The Azka King forcibly hypnotized himself, yet the hostile stares around him made him tremble with fear.

"King Azka, based on the atrocious acts you have committed during this pirate attack, I have the right to place you under immediate arrest. Of course, considering your kingship, I will not put you directly into Impel Down, now try to think of an explanation on how to explain it to those upcoming Government Commissioners." Longinus locks handcuffs around King Azka's wrists and makes it clear that he will not overstep his bounds.

"Government...Government Commissioner?" King Azka swallowed hard, that this time is knowing it would most likely be the infamous CP organization, and no one would want to deal with those cold-blooded machines, even if he were the king.

"Ensign Longinus... No, Longinus-dono, why don't you do me a favour and pretend this incident never happened with me? I strongly support the four-nation cooperation bill you proposed earlier, and I strongly advocate every word you say. And...by the way, you marine-dono have worked tirelessly to capture the pirates, so I have decided to sponsor ten million...no, thirty million berries as your military expenses on behalf of the Azka Kingdom.

King Azka spoke so eloquently and boldly that he thought, for those who didn't know, that he was talking about three billion berries!

Longinus, on the other hand, twitched his lips, thirty million berries were just a month's change for the little rich lady of Tina. Even if the Azka Kingdom was far less wealthy than the Hisca Kingdom, talking about thirty million berries with the size of a kingdom was too petty.

Longinus even suspected that the price the guy had agreed to with Felix was never going to be fulfilled.

No wonder Commodore Adkin started by saying this King of Azka was foolish and greedy, he has reached this point yet he is so cryptic, he deserves to be the one to take over.

Published in Qidian, March 01, 2019