Eating SHI?

Early morning, the beach.

Many marine soldiers ran around the shoreline, eyes dulled, repeating the action as numbly as if they were string puppets.

It's not a jog or a fast run. It's an extreme run, an extreme challenge with an all-out sprint at the start.

"I'm asking you to do a ten-minute extreme run, and it's only five minutes, and you can't keep up with it?" Dragon stood aside with a cold face and snapped, "Remember this feeling with your bodies, remember this feeling of limits, the so-called strong are those who can constantly push their limits."

"I don't need you to compete with others for speed, all you have to do is persist, is to keep beating yourselves, even if it's slow, as long as you can keep going, you'll be able to break through your limits and transform into a whole new self!"

The surrounding instructors were somewhat inexplicably touched, "It's hard for Vice Admiral Dragon to say so much in one breath, he must not have memorized much at home!"

If standard running tests physical fitness, then extreme running tests determination and has nothing to do with strength, but only with whether the heart is strong enough.

Therefore, even if he was as strong as Gion and Tokikake, he was sweating like rain at the moment, and his eyes were somewhat lost, so he could only use his instincts to drag his body forward.

"I ... I can't do this!"

Finally, at the eighth minute, someone couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed to the ground on his own, breathing in the fresh morning air and looking like a dehydrated salt fish.

The power of the "model" is immense, and after the first loser, as if pushing the dominoes, dozens of people chose to give up in an instant.

Dragon didn't look good, but he didn't say much. He wasn't good with words initially, and he wasn't going to make any comments about it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A fierce roar sounded in the distance, and the ground shook as if it were an ancient violent dragon running across the land.

Dragon's poor face lightened up a bit when he heard the sound of voices, all teachers liked good students, and he was naturally no exception.

The sound of a distant gallop was Longinus running with a hill in his hands, the sheer speed of it no longer allowing him to reach his physical limits, only this level of load could barely make him feel the pressure.

Seeing that Longinus was not blushing, Dragon asked his adjutant to the side, "Is there a bigger mountain?"

The lieutenant said helplessly, "No. Ever since Vice-Admiral Garp practiced his fist to grind down eight large mountains, causing huge economic losses to the headquarters. Then Fleet Marshal Kong ordered that no large mountains would be allowed in the headquarters. Admiral Sengoku also continued in the same direction."

Dragon looked grim, remembering that there had indeed been this case, or eight years ago, when Don Chinjao, the great sea pirate, had been so discouraged by his father's punch that he had quit the Grand Line.

"Vice Admiral Dragon, how about ... I add another hill up there for him?" The lieutenant asked cautiously.

"Forget it, he's broken the limit too many times and has already kept his body constant at its strongest state unless it's the moment of imminent death. It's hard to make him feel the shackles of the limit again." Ever since the last time they met by chance in the sea, Dragon knew that the other party was a monster who liked to train in "self-harm" as much as he did. This kind of extreme running probably wouldn't have much effect on Longinus, but now it seemed to be true.

"Perhaps ... is the time to go to Admiral Zephyr and explain the problem so that Longinus can advance to the next stage."

"Wait ... Vice Admiral Dragon, isn't that against the rules?"

"The second year teaches Rokushiki simply because most people can't meet the minimum standards for practicing them, and since Longinus already meets the requirements, there's no need for him to waste any more time."

"Also, in this session, in addition to Longinus, the two of them, Tokikake and Gion, can also barely meet the requirements, and after polishing here for a while, we can consider sending the two of them to Admiral Zephyr earlier as well."

"..., I understand."

At this point, the ten-minute deadline had been met. And everyone in defiance of the image, collapsed on the beach in a "big" line, breathing in the fresh air.

A cursory glance at Dragon revealed that not many had completed the task, and only a hundred out of four hundred had persevered.

Although Dragon didn't say much on his lips, he made a secret note of the hundred or so people who were more valuable to nurture in his mind.

"Now, get ready for your next task."

The beach was instantly mournful. Is this a no-life situation?

The adjutant standing next to Dragon shouted, "Silence, look at you now, where the marines? All of you learn from the recruits of the G2 branch, every single one of them, they did their job excellently, and they didn't howl like wolves and shame like you!"

At the news, Gregory and the others could only feel tears in their eyes, the conscience of heaven and earth. When they were in the G2 branch, the officer used all tragedies as a negative example. But in this headquarters, instead, they turned salty for once, thanks to those recruits who were saltier than them, they were all good people!

The salty crowd lying on the ground didn't struggle to look at the small G2 group, and Gregory and the others, while also fully drained, were indeed in much better spirits than they were.

Seeing this scene, those recruits from this headquarters were incredibly ashamed, not being able to compare to a monster like Longinus was fine. Still, now they couldn't even compare to Longinus's underlings.

And this trial has nothing to do with strength, but only with inner strength and weakness. Does this mean that recruits who come from the branch have more perseverance in faith than us from headquarters?

Those other branches were also envious within themselves. Compared to this branch, they were indeed behind in all aspects, which was expected. But with the shining aura of the G2 branch, they paled in comparison.

Dragon surveyed the changes in the crowd, then spoke in a quiet voice, "One of the next tasks is to eat!"


Many people are a little confused that eating is a task? For such a task, please give us two pounds!

Many others with strong imaginations looked at Dragon in horror, muttering under their breath, "It's not like they're eating those particularly bad foods, or even SHI, is it?"

Thinking about it, the eyes of those recruits looking at Dragon were becoming more and more amiss, and that Vice Admiral's aura was gradually transforming into a demonic fear.

With Dragon's strength, it was naturally easy to hear their whispers, and the corners of his cold mouth couldn't help but twitch, "This year's newcomers are scary, eating SHI at every turn."

"If you want to be strong, you have to learn to eat!" Dragon said quietly, "If you don't eat, where will your fitness come from there? Where do you get your power from?"

"The harder you work out, the more you consume, and the more you eat!"

"Pushing the limits is pushing the body's potential. Therefore, the ingredients for the nutritious meals in the cafeteria are the meat of all kinds of sea kings and precious beasts, and the rich life energy it contains is enough to make up for the deficit in your bodies."

"If you don't want your body to be deficient due to future workouts, you're going to feed it so much that you're going to throw up, understand?"


(PS: ahem, many book lovers say I update without effort, in fact, mainly on the shelves to save manuscripts it. This way, I'll find a reason to break out a little, the current recommendation ranking 515, if this time tomorrow to get into the top 500, I'll be the next three days are three more votes (??ˇ_ˇ??:))