Miserable Cold Face Dragon ......(1/3)

On the outskirts, in the middle of the forest.

Hundreds of vigorous faces are continually battling it out, it's one of the training things, and the one who stays to the end is the real winner.

While these recruits had firm recruits with clearly superior strength, such as the fourth-ranked Logos, he didn't have Longinus or Gion's dominant force. Instead, he was the first to be eliminated for being too obvious.

Seeing the scuffle in the arena getting more intense, Dragon nodded his head in satisfaction, which was why he thought of sending the three of Longinus away early. With that kind of dominant monster, there was no point in fighting or anything like that.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just then, there was a constant roar in the distance.

Dragon frowned, the powerful Kenbunshoku Haki radiating around like radar.

A normal Kenbunshoku naturally couldn't perceive too large an area, but Dragon, who had the reputation of being a monster, could easily perceive half of the island.

Soon, Dragon had "seen" the answer.

"Is this ... Zephyr-sensei's aura?" A few hints of interest appeared in Dragon's cold eyes, "Are you teaching them Rokushiki yourself? It seems that Zephyr-sensei does have high regard for them, or him ...!"

By this time, the battle in the forest was nearing its end.

"Hahahahaha! As it turns out, the one who gets the last laugh is the one who gets the best laugh!"

The winner in the end, somewhat unexpectedly for Dragon, was Gregory, the guy who survived the whole thing from beginning to end.

"However, it's not all luck. Gregory's ranked in the top twenty in his strength. The way he's hiding all the way, with the power of connections he's made, there's something to be said for staying to end."

"It's just that it goes against the original intent of the battle of mixed martial arts, and it looks like the rules will have to be modified appropriately next time." Dragon wasn't so much as to cancel Gregory's score. Taking advantage of a loophole in the rules inherently meant that there was something wrong with the rules they had made, so naturally, they couldn't let someone else take the blame for the mistake.

"Close the line!"

"Is this a matter with your conscience, Instructor Dragon? You're closing early?" Though perplexed, the group of recruits returned to the line as quickly as they could.

"You guys are getting a bit of a marine these days," Dragon nodded his head slightly, "Next, you can take a short break and join me to observe how the others fight."

Although they can't move freely, it's already a blessing for these recruits to continue training without being exhausted. Where else would they dare to hope for more?

Instead, Gregory, not at all afraid of anyone, asked, "Instructor Dragon, there's not a Vice Admiral or even an Admiral from this headquarters fighting, is there?"

"It is Admiral Zephyr who is guiding Longinus as well as the other three." Dragon replied briefly.

"Wow. With Admiral Zephyr's guidance, Gion and Tokikake, they are both fortunate!" Gregory said enviously.

"Yes! Being able to be ... and so on, isn't that three? How did you leave out Longinus?" The people around us were nodding their heads in deep agreement and suddenly realized that something wasn't quite right.

"Idiot, it's perfectly normal for the boss to be taken seriously, so how can you describe it as lucky?" Gregory said, looking at him with caring retarded eyes.

"(o' ω'o)?"

But soon, the envy in their hearts had switched to happiness and reverence.

On the observation deck, the conversation of several people could not be heard from a long-distance away. Still, the three people's tragic situation in the field was fully observed by a group of recruits.

Gion and Tokikake were fine, except for one arm that was twisted and dangling, but Longinus was bathed in blood and bruised all over, and those with sharp eyes even noticed that he had even coughed up chunks of his internal organs from his earlier coughing fit.

The harder you hurt, the harder you fight.

The fight's desperate fierceness was so intense that those who didn't know though they were sworn enemies.

"Well ... it's scary, is that what Zephyr-sensei is pointing out? I hear we'll be doing Rokushiki the following year as well, shouldn't..."

"It should, not ... not so much! There are so many of us, I'm sure Zephyr-sensei doesn't have time to give instructions alone."

"That's hard to say. But for Zephyr-sensei, it doesn't make any difference at all. Whether there's one or a hundred of our level."

If the crowd had been envious of the treatment of Longinus and the others, they were now mostly glad that they were just salty fish that didn't have to struggle.

"Tsk, Zephyr, this old man is ruthless, even to his students."

The harsh voice made these recruits stare at each other. Someone dared to comment on an Admiral like that!

"Ga ... Vice-Admiral Garp, it's Vice Admiral Garp!"

"It's a marine hero, Vice Admiral Garp!"

After noticing the identity of the speaker, the surrounding recruits can't help but scream. The marine hero who personally destroyed the "Rocks" era pushed the pirate king Roger to the corner several times. His position in the hearts of their generation of marine is even higher than Fleet Admiral.

Seeing that Dragon was ignoring him, Garp grumbled, then said to himself, "But that little guy is indeed smart. Rokushiki were originally powerful physical techniques summed up in one actual battle, and Zephyr is a top-ranked general who is proficient in Rokushiki, the gain from fighting him to the best of his ability is far better than comprehending it himself. Like the other two little guys, they are still in awe of Zephyr's status as Admiral, and if they are afraid of him, they will still suffer in the end."

"Not everyone can be as fearless as Longinus," Dragon commented briefly.

"Yes! This brat does have some of Old Man's strength from back then." Garp nodded rather smugly, then sighed again, "It's a pity that he only learned Old Man's fearlessness of power, but he couldn't learn Old Man's spontaneity of ignoring the rules, and it's usually a bit boring to be all one way."

Dragon twitched and said, "You call that loose, his kind of self-discipline is what makes the Marine ... wait, when did he learn from you?"

Garp's pissed off and blows his mouth off and says, "Is that the right attitude to have when talking to your dad? Huh? That is, judging by the presence of your students today; otherwise, I will make sure you remember what an iron fist of love is!"

Hearing the surrounding recruits' dark laughter, even his adjutant let out a forced breath-holding "puff" sound, Dragon's pouty mouth almost directly broke.

Only after lecturing Dragon that Garp explained, "Old man has always been known as a marine hero. And the fact that this little guy had the name of a hero when he was in the G2 branch means that he must be quite an admirer of Old man, so much so that he is imitating his every move."

"Well, such a good seedling who admires Old Man can't be ruined in the hands of that rigid fellow Zephyr."